Our Bird Buddy continues to be popular with the feathered friends who visit our backyard…
Three On Thursday
There are some very clever people creating memes these days. Some are funny. Some are irreverent. Some make me angry. And some make me long for change. Here are three that are speaking to me right now.
And that’s all I have to say this Thursday because that pretty much says it all.
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I love the first one! The last one is something to think about. What we know about history is just what some people decided was important enough to remember.
A recent favorite that I’ve considered putting on a t-shirt: Science doesn’t really care what you think. Perhaps the reverse side of the shirt can read: Mask it or casket.
Good luck with the gardening, maybe your helper will be able to help before the end of the season.
Robby, I love this! You should definitely put this on a tee shirt. I would buy one.
There’s nothing better than humor to make people stop and [hopefilly] think!
Funny and true – the best combination!
There’s nothing quite like gallows humor . . .
Thanks for sharing some too-close-for-comfort laughs this morning, Carole.
Hmmm – Mary, Queen of Heaven, Joan of Arc, and Queen Victoria?
Very good memes!
Yup! Thanks Carole!
All good ones Carole!
The one I like is a message to July – come in, sit down, and don’t make any trouble
There is nothing like somebody who curates your memes for you! These are perfect in every way. Thanks, Carole!
Ha. Thanks! These are great!!
I’m going to post that last one on my “wall of humor” in my classroom.
Good ones, Carole … sometimes I can’t even. and other times, I laugh out loud!
Ha! So true about a lack of women being celebrated with monuments. Great memes!