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Three On Thursday

The time is coming where we will be spending more time inside. The days are getting shorter (boo) and cooler and our evenings on the deck are numbered at this point. One good thing about moving inside, though, is that we tend to play more games. We always say we’re going to play games outside but we actually rarely do. Inside by the fire, though? That’s our jam when it comes to games.

Here are our 3 current favorites:

  1. Dominoes. Specifically, we play a version called Mexican Train. It’s very fun, better with 4 people, but we manage with just the two of us.
  2. Phase 10. We actually learned to play this with Jo-Ann and Shawn with 2 decks of regular playing cards but when I found there was a dedicated deck for this I bought it and we never looked back.
  3. Quiddler. Truth be told, I enjoy this one more than Dale, probably because I’m a words person. The cards are beautiful and it’s a great way to spend an evening.

I really think playing games is great for brain health. I’m wondering, do you play games? And which ones are your favorites?

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Comments (16)

  1. I would love to play games, but it’s usually just John and I and he simply won’t play. He is one of five kids and they’ve all recounted stories of accusations of cheating, fights, and even a broken window once when they played games. I think a rousing game of Scrabble or Cards Against Humanity would be fun!

  2. We love to play games. My favorite is Chickenfoot, which according to Wikipedia is related to Mexican Train. We also play Triominoes. Both are fun with two players. We have an assortment of other games, but most of the others we save for larger gatherings because they are more fun with more people.

  3. What a fun post, Carole! While we’ve been playing Uno for a few hundred years around here, we JUST learned how to play ‘for real’ by keeping score this summer–and it’s a total…game changer. Really fun. We play a lot of dice games (1′ & 5’s, sometimes called ‘500’). One of my favorites games is Set, which is nice because you can play with any number of people–even alone. At the lake we play a lot of Mancala. I can’t get my family to invest in hours-long games like I played as a kid (sometimes leaving that Monopoly board up for DAYS!), but I’ll take what I can get. Thinking it’d be fun to learn how to play Dominoes–‘for real.’

  4. We went through a period where we were playing a lot of Uno. Now the most popular game is Quirkle, which my daughter excels at so it’s usually a matter of her beating the pants off of us. My personal favorite is Trivial Pursuit, but no one will ever play with me! I even have the Book Lovers edition, but I’ve never been able to play it. Someday I’ll need to get together with some reading friends to play it.

  5. We do not play games though I just suggested we play some cribbage. I’m a big fan of Yahtzee but I’ve got no partner. Just started doing crossword puzzles though (treated myself to the NYT app) and I am loving them!

  6. Love me a good game night!!!
    We play Canasta with friends, Hand & Foot, or sometimes Hand Knee and Foot
    There is an ongoing Cribbage tournament going on around here.
    Last year’s xmus gift for everyone was Five Crowns, a good social game that’s ain’t over till it’s over.
    The card game Golf is a popular one with my nieces/nephews… played with 6 cards each
    My Niece comes over once a week to play yatzee, best two out of three
    We’ve got an indoor and an outdoor dart board set up, and a dart competition scheduled for later this month.
    I love backgammon and will gladly play with any victims!
    When my mom was alive it was weekly scrabble, and we buried her with a bannanagrams game
    ……… so yeah, we play games. ~grin

  7. I went through backgammon and Uno stages in my early adult life but we dont normally play games. Well, except when the power goes out. Our familiy’s power outage tradition is board games and ice cream for dinner. ? We do work puzzles though.

  8. Games are so much fun . . . unless you happen to play with Tom. Who is so competitive (and can’t seem to help himself), it makes it just Not Much Fun. He’s really good with strategy and “counting cards” (even when there are no cards) and always thinking (at least) six moves ahead that it’s just Too Much Work to play with him. So. While I love playing games, we’ve learned that NOT playing games is best for our relationship. 😉 (We do manage Scrabble now and again. He usually just kills it — I have never seen anyone so keen on using EVERY triple-word score to his advantage — but every now and again, I hold my own.) ;-D

  9. I love to play Scrabble and Cribbage, but Fletch doesn’t play games. So, I generally wait until Colin is over, but lately we’ve done other things. I miss playing for sure!

  10. I used to love to play games, but it got ruined for me by overly competitive people. I thought games were supposed to be fun, not a venue for cut throat tactics and bad feelings! There’s nothing worse than someone getting mad when playing a game. My husband is not much of a game player, so no games here. I think I would love to go to a friendly game night.

  11. We are big game players, but mostly with 4 or more. For two people, Quirkle is fun (and Jackie will be able to play that soon), and Five Crowns is the card version of Quiddler – card hands instead of words. We also like Sequence and Boggle. Have fun!

  12. I am not looking forward to letting go of deck living either. Thank you for the game suggestions. I will check them out. Nights are so long in the winter. Maybe I can cajole my hubby into playing some games with me instead of turning on the TV.

  13. I’m not into playing games except on my Ipod or Kindle. I think I’d just rather be knitting or reading. I do play word games on both the Ipod (weekdays) and Kindle some days. Otherwise I do play other games on the Kindle. Maybe once the great nieces are older, I will start playing kiddie games with them. Right now the 2 1/2 year old is into puzzles so I recently bought her small wooden puzzle sets, I think they are 16 pieces. They are a little hard for her but she will do them with you again and again.

  14. I love playing all sorts of games. My friends and I enjoy Uno, Phase 10 (phone app called Phase Cards can be played with friends, others or artificial intelligence), Rummikub, cribbage, 45s, and Tock (similar to Sorry). Games have kept us sane during pandemic.

    1. Ohhhh.. I forgot all about Rummikub! During the shelter in place phase of this nightmare my friend and I would play battleship. We’d each have a board and we’d play while on the phone.

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