I was listening to the Happier podcast yesterday and Gretchen and Elizabeth were talking about…
Random Thursday
It’s the last Thursday in March. It’s raining. And I can’t think of a topic for today. So welcome to a Random Thursday post.
- I’ve been having some really weird dreams lately. Last night it was about zombies taking over New York City via the sewer system. It was gross and weird and I don’t even believe in zombies. A couple of nights ago I had a dream that Taylor Swift was my best friend. That was way more fun than the one about zombies.
- I just saw a news clip that the hanging nasturtiums are back at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. I still vividly remember the first time I went there . . . I was taking Art History at Wheaton and I went to see The Rape of Europa by Titian. The painting was amazing but those nasturtiums made a lasting impression and I could sit and gaze at then in the courtyard for long periods of time.
- Spring has been slow to come here in Southeastern Massachusetts. We’ve had lots of rain and the temperatures have been chilly. My daffodils are finally starting to bloom and they are providing sweet splashes of yellow in my front garden. Once I get the pansies I bought installed in our window boxes things will loo much springier even if it doesn’t feel that way.
- I’m really enjoying using the Hobonichi Weeks planner I got for 2024. I love the Tomoe River paper and the weekly set up pages. I’m using it primarily as a journal to track my days and I could actually use a little more room than those weekly spreads provide. I might go up to the Hobonichi Cousin next year or I might stick with the Weeks and get an undated Hobonichi for longer entries and thoughts.
- I got myself back on the Peloton midway through January and I’ve been consistently riding 3 times/week ever since. My relationship with exercise has always been fraught with issues and anxiety so this 13 week streak feels good but also tenuous. I’m hoping that I’ve figured out enough of my stuff to understand my barriers and continue to just do it even when I don’t feel like it. I also think that exercising for feeling better (physically and mentally) is much more motivating than exercising for weight loss.
- I can’t remember if I told you this or not but I got a cup warmer for Christmas and it has completely revolutionized my morning cup of coffee. I got a 2nd one to use in the kitchen and, honestly, I’d like to have one in my studio and my office at work, too. I love that I can take as long as I want to drink my cup and it stays hot the whole time.
- I attempted a low-spend February, limiting my Amazon purchases to necessities only and leaving other things in my cart for later. I’d like to say that this changed my spending habits but it actually made for more of a free-for-all in March. I will say, though, given the amount of fluctuation in prices at Amazon, it’s worth leaving things in your cart and waiting for a lower price if it’s something you don’t need right away.
- Fred and George have this lovely habit of climbing into my lap in the morning when I’m on the sofa. However, this makes it very difficult to move them aside and get ready for work. I wish this were this snuggly in the evening, too, but it’s a purely morning habit these days.
And that’s all I’ve got for today, friends.
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Oh my… I wish that museum was closer, because I’d love to see those paintings in person! I am sure that if Ms. Swift had the opportunity to be friends with you, she’d love it!
I love these random thoughts… I was thinking about 10 on Tuesdays the other day and was missing it!
A fun random post Carole!! Fletch has used a cup warmer for years…me not so much. Guess I drink coffee pretty fast and then go for a second or third cup! I’d like to visit that museum sometime (I saw the movie about the theft) – I enjoy smaller museums. I’m not one to journal, but those Japanese journals look so nice! Another rainy day here too. Gloomy and foggy, but soon I will leave to go meet Dee for a morning at Manhattan Bagel – knitting and chatting and sipping. A nice way to spend a less than inspiring morning! If Fred and George piled on my lap, I would not be inclined to get up to go to work! Hope your day is a good one!
There is just something about a random post that gives us a nice window into your days! Now I’ll picture F&G snuggling with you in the morning while you drink a nice warm cup of coffee. Those nasturtiums are lovely and I may need to plant a couple of hanging pots with them for a small display on my porch. Thanks for the idea!
I’m not one to journal but I do journal vacations and love the grid pages. Tell Fred and George I’m currently about 10 miles from The American Museum of the House Cat in NC. 🙂
This is a lovely post, Carole. I think I enjoy these random posts more than I enjoy topic posts, except of course, BOOK posts, they are the best. 🙂 I agree with Bonny, they give us such a sweet peek into your day. I drink my coffee much too fast to need a cup warmer, but I probably need one for my tea.
I loved the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum! There weren’t hanging nasturtiums when I visited last year (I’ve never heard of them before) but the orchids were astounding!
I’ve been having weird dreams lately, too, though no zombies. I wonder if it’s related to the time change and our adjustment to it? I’m guessing warm kitties in your lap to start the day does a lot to dispel any lingering anxiety related to strange dreams, though.