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Eye Candy Friday

I had planned to show you another amaryllis photo today. Those plans changed when I looked out the window this morning and saw the sky. I love y’all so much I went out on the deck barefoot to take this photo. My dedication to this blog knows no end.

Take notice of the beauty that’s all around you and enjoy your weekend, friends

Comments (17)

  1. Have you seen the mitten on Ravelry that has a design just like your photo? I’ll look it up if you’re interested.

  2. We had a sunrise like this earlier this week. I was also barefoot enjoying it, in my bedroom. Ha, ha. Clearly I’d be a terrible blogger. Glad we have you, for so many reasons.

  3. I’ve enjoyed a couple of similar sunrises and sunsets this week (but barefoot in my bedroom and kitchen). Thanks for sharing and for the extra effort!

  4. Oh, thank you! That’s just gorgeous!!! Because my house faces west, and I’m on a hill, I see beautiful sunsets all the time. But I rarely see the sunrise unless I’m out early and driving somewhere. Thanks for sharing your beautiful sky this morning. XO

  5. Gor-ge-ous! How do l send you my photo? Mine is from a distance whereas yours is intense!
    I forgot my ID and so had to wait til the guards to do their shift change before they did the necessary paperwork to get me through. The guy said he’d bring it out to my vehicle but l took advantage of the sunrise instead. TGIF! Have a great weekend.

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