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Three On Thursday

three thursday spring

You want know a great way to combat the blahs? Think about things that make you happy. Today, I’m sharing 3 simple, ordinary things that are making me happy right now.

  1. Yesterday, for the first time since March 2020, I ate lunch in the staff room at work. With a coworker. Now, a few of us have been eating lunch together sometimes, but we have been sitting far apart. And on any day that I didn’t eat with that little group I ate at my desk by myself. But now that we are all vaccinated up over here we can eat together. It felt so normal. And wonderful.
  2. We’re getting a tax return! We haven’t had a return from the feds in several years but last year I made some changes to our deductions and it paid off and we’re getting money back. Woot!
  3. Tomorrow my OG bestie Doreen and I are going plant shopping. Not only that but she’s staying over at my house tomorrow night and we’re plant shopping some more on Saturday. We haven’t had an overnight houseguest in so long, I’m not sure I’ll know how to contain my excitement!

I hope you are finding things to make you happy right now, too, because it’s a very good feeling.

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Comments (10)

  1. I’m slowly starting a new quilt project for me. It has handwork so I can savor the colors and fabrics while watching baseball in the evenings. Did I mention it’s going to be all mine?! I never make things to keep.

  2. I love how 2 of those, in particular, are such a celebration of the sacred ordinary… We’ve sure learned a lot this past year. Enjoy your weekend together!

  3. Something that’s really surprised me recently was how excited I get about things that used to be so ordinary. It’s a shame that it’s taken a global pandemic to make us appreciate the small things in life, but I’ll take it!

  4. I got my hair cut yesterday for the first time since all this started. It was a great reintroduction to normal.

  5. How great that you can begin to resume normal life, that we all can! I wonder what the “new normal” will be. Do enjoy your meals with colleagues and friends. Truly a treat!

  6. oh my #3 sounds like the very best! ENJOY!!! (and I look forward to seeing what y’all – you? – plant!)

  7. Here’s another good thing for today, a book recommendation: The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. A serious topic that ends up silly at the end, but hard to put down.

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