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Sometimes Mondays

Show up before you’re ready. And you haven’t prepped a blog post because you’ve been too busy knitting all weekend. Ironic, yes?

Anyway. When that happens to me I fall back on a pretty photo to hold you over.

The coleus is insanely huge this summer. And that’s all I’ve got for this Monday. I’ll do better tomorrow!

Comments (9)

  1. Wow! It is gorgeous! (mine are no where near that big! sigh!!) I hope your knitting weekend made a big dent in what needed to be done!

  2. Let me fill in for you.

    Monday on my mind… KNITTING!

    Knit on, my friend. We’ll be here when you’re ready.

  3. Oooh, I love that orange one. I don’t think I have seen one that color. I was wondering how that knitting was going, Carole.

  4. My grandmother kept several large churn crocks planted with coleus on her back porch. They were almost as beautiful as yours!

    Beware: when her Lady’s Aide group from her church had a quilting meet-up at her house they’d all snap off just a bit of coleus to root in water for themselves. Only one or two had the grace to even ask!

    Thanks for the memory!

  5. Such gorgeous colors! I haven’t seen that orange-gold variety before, I really like it!

  6. Monster coleus! Impressive. I think it’s a sign of a well-spent weekend if Monday arrives and you aren’t prepared for it because you were having too much fun!

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