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Wednesdays Are For Knitting

How could I devote a week to thankfulness and not give knitting a post all of it’s own? Knitting, after all, is what brought us all together. And I certainly never dreamed, when I picked up needles and yarn on a beach over 20 years ago, that it would open up my world in such an amazing way.

Because of knitting, I made beautiful and warm things to wear, not just for myself but for family members and friends.

Because of knitting, I started a blog, which gave me the opportunity to expand my writing skills and to meet all of you.

Because of knitting, I have traveled to Utah and Michigan, to have in person visit with online friends who miraculously became real life friends.

Knitting reduces my stress, keeps me from ever being bored, gives me something in common with all of you.

I am thankful for knitting!

Comments (9)

  1. And we’re happy you picked up those needles and yarn too! I’m thankful for all that you bring to us each day.

  2. I am glad we all picked up knitting, even though some of us have difficulties knitting as often as we would like these days. I hope your knitting journey is showing some progress after being sidelined lately. And, I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving, Carole.

  3. I am so glad knitting is in my life as well! (And while we have not met irl… I am so thankful that knitting blogs brought us together!)

  4. I’m also grateful for the part that knitting has played in all of our lives, and glad that you can knit a bit now. Happy Thanksgiving, Carole!

  5. Thankful for finding your blog and thankful for knitting which led me to finding your blog. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

  6. Like you, I’m thankful for knitting for the warmth it brings and the stress it relieves, and in this new reality we’ve found ourselves in the past 20 months or so, I’ve been especially thankful that it’s introduced me to friends!

  7. Knitting relaxes me and I am grateful I’ve had it these past few years. I’ve met many people online that I enjoy seeing their projects and it’s an extra when I get to meet them in person.

    Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I’m thankful that you picked up those needles and for all you share on your blog! I am also thankful to my grandmother who patiently taught me how to knit when I was 8 or 9 years old. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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