Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
I had a fun and full weekend . . . of cooking and baking and Christmas prepping. Of course, a good blogger would have photos of all of that but I’m here to admit that I’m not a good blogger (especially when you consider that I forgot [after nearly 17 years of blogging] to post on Friday. That photo above? It’s from several years ago. Just sayin.
Doreen and I made 2 batches of peanut butter balls (that’s about 12 dozen if you’re adding things up), plus 3 dozen cherry chocolate kisses, 6 dozen spritz, and 8 dozen ginger cookies. At home and on my own, I made 2 dozen peppermint mocha cookies, two pounds of salted chocolate toffee, and six loaves of Swedish rye bread.
In between all of that, Dale and I watched Love Actually, some football, and went out looking at Christmas lights. We also made a major decision about our Christmas Eve gathering . . . it’s not happening. It’s heartbreaking and frustrating to feel like we can’t have a house full of friends but given rising cases in our area plus the new variant, it just doesn’t seem like a smart thing to do. We will have our kids over and keep things small in (pardon the use of this over-used expression) an abundance of caution.
Sometimes being a responsible adult really blows.
I’m cheering myself up by focusing on my greatly shortened to-do list and the happiness I feel when delivering cookies and treats to the people who make my life easier at work and in my community. I’m hoping for plenty of smiles as I make my rounds.
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You were busy! We’ve made the same decision here and will serve Doug’s aunt and uncle (93!) only. I’ll admit to being disappointed too. Maybe an outside walk with family later in the day. Here’s to your deliveries and the joy you will bring!
Yup, we are keeping it just close family and no one else. Too risky otherwise. Gosh you and Doreen make a lot of cookies. I’d love a link to the mocha peppermint and the salted chocolate toffee – neither of which I should make…just sayin’ Wishing you a joyous week Carole – relax and enjoy!
Carole, you should pat yourself on the back for being a responsible adult! You are making wise decisions in the best interest of those you love. Difficult, but loving, nevertheless. So many cookies! I am sure your recipients will be so happy to receive them – an offering of love in hard times. I hope you have a really good week and find joy where you can. Let’s just be grateful we are all still here this year.
We’re also celebrating with just vaccinated and boosted family, but I’ve had enough years without all the people I love nearby that I truly count it as a huge blessing. (I know you do, too!) I haven’t baked at all, so I would definitely have a big smile if anyone delivered cookies to me, and I’m sure your recipients will be thrilled.
Your cookies sound delicious! And I think they will bring an abundance of joy when you deliver them!
(and I think you made a very wise choice regarding Christmas but yeah, it sucks)
Missed you on Friday, but happy to hear about the cookie extravagaza!! As I commented last week, I’ve always enjoyed the tradition that you and Doreen have!
Happy Monday!
It IS tough, but we are excluding the stubbornly unvaccinated from our family gathering. We didn’t even go to our town’s annual Christmas Pageant, but we could hear all the churchbells ringing, and the faint sounds of people singing, and that was nice.
I hope you had a good long sleep after all that baking! My mouth is watering reading about all the cookies and treats.
I’m sorry about the painful but responsible decision to cancel your plans. I think a lot of us (at least those of us who are smart and are taking things seriously) are facing similar decisions. I actually wondered if we should cancel our travel plans, but I figured that we’re just sitting at a house here with close family members who are vaxxed and boosted, so the only real risk was the actual travel. I’m hoping we don’t regret it.
Wow, you knocked it out of the park with all those cookies. Cookies, especially Christmas cookies, are my drug of choice! We, too, are only having our kids and grandkids, just ten of us. In addition to everyone being axed and boosted, we managed to score a dozen rapid at home tests and everyone will take one Friday morning just to be sure. I think it will relax everyone to know we are taking as little risk as possible. Wishing you the best this week.
We thought this year we would be able to be together with friends and/or family, but that is not happening. I am so sorry you also had to cut your gathering down. I hope that seeing people in small groups throughout the week will be safer if we’re all boosted and even wearing mask, but boohoo for all of us!
Carol and Dale
We Wish you very happy and healthy holidays. Bob misses getting information about the round table. He would love it if you added his email address to Dales list.
I so enjoy your blog.
Merry Christmas
Bob and Kathleen
I always host our family Christmas dinner and this year there will be only four of us, just like last year. But we will celebrate anyway!
Your cookies sound delicious! I always make peanut butter kiss cookies, but I can’t find Hershey Kisses anywhere this year. The other thing we can’t find are saltine or oyster crackers for our Christmas Eve clam chowder…we’ve even checked stores in larger cities nearby!
Your baking sounds amazing! I’m so glad you got to get together with Doreen and BAKE! and I feel you for all the sucky parts about gathering these days. It’s a shame. and I’m grateful nearly all of my gathering plans only included close family to begin with. It’s still better than last year!
Oh, that “abundance of caution” thing really does just suck. But you’re wise and responsible to make that kind of decision. (And your cookie-give-away is such a cool thing to do!) XO