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Thanksgiving Prep Time

I’m hosting Thanksgiving for 8 on Thursday and this week is all about the prep. It’s not a difficult meal and I’ve done it many times but I really like having a game plan to spread out the tasks and to make sure I don’t forget anything.

This is my working document:

I’m generally a digital girl but for this process I really prefer to use the old fashioned paper and pencil routine. So far, I’m on track but the heavy lifting hasn’t really hit yet.

Wish me luck!

Comments (11)

  1. Love that a haircut and massage made your list!! I think I’m making pies (apple and pumpkin) and probably cranberry chutney. Not sure what else I need to do! Must check with the kids…

  2. All the luck, Carole! but it looks like you’re well-prepared and shouldn’t need “luck” to pull it all off – Enjoy!!

  3. Good luck! You’ve more to do than I- we’ll be around 15…as I sit here with the vacuum on the floor in front of me. 😉

  4. I usually do the same thing, Carole. It helps so much in keeping track of prep. However, I am busy looking for and buying a house for my brother, so this year’s prep has gone off the rails. I am sure my husband will eat whatever I cook, so I decided not to feel too anxious about it. Need to do that gravy prep!

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