I'm going to warn you right now, the photos in this post are all of…
Weekend Glimmers, Nov 11-13, 2023
I failed to mention on Friday that I had yesterday off since the union in the town where I work honors Saturday and Sunday holidays on Mondays. I was not sad about an extra day of weekending and I made good use of my time. Here are a few photos for you . . .
The dahlias have been dug up, washed, divided, and labeled. They will now spend the winter tucked away in my root cellar in a tub of peat moss. This is the first time I have divided tubers myself and, while I had some anxiety over the whole process, I made it through and we’ll just keep our fingers crossed that next spring I have viable tubers. Either way, I’ll be shopping for some new varieties, hoping to broaden both my color palette and style of flowers.
Fred in (one of) his happy spots, on a quilt by the wood stove.
And George in his favorite (silly) position in front of the wood stove. Both cats are very happy to have the fire cranking at all times.
We celebrated a big birthday for my friend Anne and it was great to be with so many friends to honor her. It was also great to have Doreen here for a visit so that she could attend. I haven’t seen her since this summer but we’ve got our Christmas cookie baking day coming soon so it won’t be so long between visits this time.
And that’s all I’ve got from this weekend. Cheers to Tuesday and short work weeks!
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Pretty smiles among friends and cats enjoying a fire – lovely! Your weekend sounds perfect Carole and I hope this week is an easy one. Fingers crossed for your tubers – I’m sure they will be fine and raring to go come Spring!
What great glimmers, Carole! Always love the cats. . . Anne looks like she’s having a grand birthday . . . but WHOA! Those tubers! You are awesome! XO
Tubers resting ’til spring, warm cats, and happy friends all add up to a wonderful weekend!
Those tubers! Wow!! I am impressed, Carole! (and Cozy Cats are a very good thing!)
Hmm, so maybe sticking the dahlia tubers in a paper bag and shoving it into the back of our garbage can/gardening storage shed is not the best way to store them for the winter? I guess I will have to get them out, separate them, wash them, and find a suitable place to store them. I don’t have an expectation that they’ll grow again, but I figure it was worth a shot!
Happy to see all those smiles and the kitties being themselves!
I love these posts! … seeming glimmers in hope, cozy, and SMILES!