I'm going to warn you right now, the photos in this post are all of…
Weekend Glimmers Nov 4-6, 2023
I’m back with another post of weekend glimmers . . .
The gnome I made in the virtual class with Sarah Schira and the Modern Daily Knitting crew. His name is GNoah and he likes to go on long walks in the woods. There will be more about gnome knitting later.
The Kiwanis Club’s Field of Flags this year, along with the veterans in attendance as we set them up. The flags will stay up until the Saturday after Veteran’s Day and it’s a beautiful sight to see.
Fred & George became part of our family two years ago yesterday. It’s hard to remember how tiny they were.
The dahlias and zinnias are done but there are still pretty things in the garden like the last of the roses and this beauty berry.
Let’s have a good week and remember to look for the glimmers of good things.
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Lovely glimmers Carole. The field of flags makes my eyes well up a bit. GNoah turned out very nicely. I hope maybe you can make him a hiking buddy? Fred and George sure are gorgeous cats. Very regal looking. I may need to get a beauty berry for our yard…do deer munch it at all? (They have started munching on our winter berry now that the apples are done…I’ve even seen them consuming sunflower seeds that have fallen out of a feeder!)
Gnoah is so cute! He definitely needs some friends now. Justin has had to move everything from the sill of his bow window and replace it with pillows for his cat so she can just sit there and observe the neighborhood. Maybe F & G would like you to do the same thing!
I love your Gnoah! His autumnal colors are perfect! (I am going to treat myself to a bit of yarn for the December KAL… and I am so excited! Ha!)
Your Beauty berry is so pretty! (and Vera asks a good question! The pesky deer are … pesky!)
Great glimmers of a sparkling weekend! XOXO
George and Fred for TWO years … time flies! Thank you for sharing the glimmers – they get the week off to a nice start!
TWO YEARS!?? Wow. Those beautyberries are just gorgeous. I really need one of those…
Fred and George are the most adorable, fabulous, gorgeous pair of cats EVAH! (And I am a cat aficionado.) Anytime you want to include a photo of them it is okay with me.