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Watercolor Wednesday

Remember the Waterlogue app? It’s been quite some time since I’ve used it but today’s photo is brought to you courtesy of that technology. Still no daffodils in our yard but I’ve got yellow and purple crocus and they are making me smile.

Comments (8)

  1. My daffodils just opened this week! So exciting ..spring will be springing soon for you too!

  2. We’ve got a couple of really warm days (approaching 70) predicted, so I hope you do, too, and your daffodils blossom!

  3. Thank you! I will vicariously enjoy your crocuses because mine are a non-starter this year… thanks to the bunnies…sigh.

  4. I hope you don’t have to wait too long to see some daffodils, but crocus blooms are always a reason for celebration for me — I know spring has arrived when I see them!

  5. You’ve got way more yellow crocus than we do, but we have lots of purple ones, too. They are a welcome sight, aren’t they? Hurrah for Spring!

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