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Eye Candy Friday

While the dahlias are over in the dahlia beds being all intricate and impressive, the morning glories are showing off by the kitchen door. They are simple and lovely and their pop of bright pink makes me smile every time I step out there.

I’m smiling about the long weekend, too. I’ll catch up with you here on Tuesday.

Comments (5)

  1. Our morning glory plants died before any buds appeared!! But our hibiscus is still going strong. A long weekend is a beautiful thing – enjoy yours!!

  2. Morning glories are always such nice pops of color. During the pandemic, I planted a ton along our patio fence. So nice to see all that color and greenery during all that time at home. Happy long weekend!

  3. I think morning glories are some of the loveliest blossoms around. (John considers them weeds, but he is just wrong!)

  4. What a great color! I pass a couple of morning glory patches on my runs/walks, one of which is all wrapped around a street sign, which always makes me smile. Happy long weekend!

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