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A Week of Gratitude: The Bird Buddy

Today I’m going to share one of those things you might not expect to see on a gratitude list but the truth is this little thing brings me joy on a regular basis. The Bird Buddy. It’s a bird feeder with a camera and it takes photos of the various birds that visit for a snack. Sometimes (really most of the time) are less than remarkable but sometimes I get ones that make me smile or laugh.

We get a lot of finches, especially house finches. This one is squawking at a bird on the right, I think that might be a chickadee. I see them together frequently in the mornings.

It’s not often that I see cardinal on this feeder although we do have them in our yard regularly. Even though this photo only captures a portion of his head I think it’s worth sharing because cardinals are, well, special visitors.

Goldfinches are also frequent flyers (see what I did there?) at our feeder. It was really fun to watch them transition from olive to bright yellow last year.

This is a Carolina Wren and I see them frequently, too. They are special to me because one of the first time I identified one was when I was turkey hunting with Dale in the Berkshires over 20 years ago. I love seeing them at home as it’s a great reminder of the day in the woods.

We have a family of blue birds that stuck around all summer, I think there are 6 of them. The photo is blurry but I love how it captured the vibrant blue of the bird’s tail feathers, they move fast and we don’t always see them in flight like this. We put meal worms in with the bird seed to attract them.

I love this angle of a little tufted titmouse. His eyes are so expressive and his crest looks so comical from this angle that I had to share it.

I really enjoy seeing birds in the backyard and I am grateful to The Bird Buddy for capturing photos of them for me to share with you.

Comments (9)

  1. I think I need this! It’s such a delight to see birds in my feeders – this is next level! Do you use the Merlin Bird ID app too?

  2. Birds are indeed a delight! My favorite frequent flyer’s are the varied woodpeckers that visit our feeder! Their antics are hilarious as they search for that “perfect nut”.

    These are such great captures!

  3. So glad you’re having fun with the Bird Buddy! Now that I have (finally!) found the right mix of peppery bird seed, I am having fun with mine again. (Not a squirrel photo in months, now!)

  4. It is so much fun to watch the birds. We are fortunate to have such a great variety here (looks like you do as well). We have a sunflower feeder, a thistle feeder, shelled peanuts feeder and suet all around. And now I have started putting out peanuts in the shells for jays and woodpeckers (but the deer usually scarf those down before any birds can get to them!).

  5. I love watching the birds on my feeders. Thanks for sharing these pictures, Carole, I may have to get a bird buddy. The picture of the tufted titmouse is hilarious – so serious!

  6. I have never seen a tufted titmouse from that angle! Seeing birds at the feeder is always wonderful and it makes me stop for a moment and appreciate them.

  7. I love that the Bird Buddy doesn’t just give you pictures of the birds that visit but takes shots that show such personality. That Tufted Titmouse? Totally looks like a punk rocker.

  8. We are weighing that as our Christmas present to ourselves! You’re moving us in the right direction thank-you!!!

  9. These photos are great. My son bought me one but the damn squirrels have chased most of the birds away.

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