Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
Late, Again.
I had lots of plans for this morning. I got up early on time for a change and figured I could not only get ready for work but also make a meatloaf, wash some dishes (can you believe I ran out of dishwasher detergent?), and fit in some knitting time before I left the house. Yeah, right. I did get the meatloaf and dishes done and managed to dress myself and do my hair and make up. I had 5 minutes to spare. There’s not a whole lot you can do with 5 minutes. But then, I thought of you all, my faithful readers who don’t leave comments, and yesterday’s entry about other blogs. I thought of how I hadn’t written a blog entry with pictures for a while. I thought of how you were all going to start reading those real blogs I told you about and abandon mine forever. And I took only 5 15 minutes and snapped some photos of my progress on the Rosebud Cardigan.
Here is the jumbled mess at the moment. The things on the needles are the dreaded sleeves. They are almost done, thank goodness.
Here is the back, all nicely pinned out. The color is much prettier than it looks here and the yarn is wicked soft.
Ah, and here is the lovely Mason, sitting on the fronts. They match, I think hope.
So much for getting up early on time. Somehow, I managed to be late for work again. I have no idea how that happened.