So the thing with SPA is, other than whatever fiber craft you choose to pursue,…
Happy Day$ Are Here Again
Tuesday was a very exciting day. My library received a gift of $25,000 (yes, that’s 5 digits!) from Eastern Bank. This gift has no conditions, no strings, and – best of all – I didn’t even ask for it. You can read all about it here. My husband and one of the library trustees (Hi Ann-Marie!) and I went to the Coonamessett Inn in Falmouth for a cocktail reception. It was quite chi-chi with open bar and delicious hors d’oeuvres and they gave away $2.2 million with $650,000 going to area libraries. This bank is a-okay in my book. That’s a little library humor. Get it?
When we got home I took a picture of the trophy and the sock, just to record the whole thing for you guys. I did have the sock with me at the event, but even I, with no shame of public knitting, couldn’t picture knitting at this shindig!
I started a new scarf with the koigu I bought at NH Sheep &Wool. After some searching for something challenging different I settled on this pattern from Wendy Knits. It’s pretty simple and I like the look of it so far. So does Mason.
Tomorrow I will try to have the strength to tell the sad story of the Charlotte Bronte Shawl. Heavy sigh.
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Congratulations on the gift! I’m happy when someone gives $10 or $20 to my archives, so I’m sure you are thrilled. Lucky for your community too.