Hello, friends! I'm joining with Kat today to talk about my knitting and reading. My…
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
The leg of the second Feather & Fan sock is about done. I’m going on record now and saying that the stripes don’t match and it’s not my fault. Really. This yarn creates stripes in a random – but not random – way.
See what I mean? Sometimes I get two stripes of a color interspersed with the blue, sometimes I get three. And the order of the colors seems to be random as well. Green, yellow, red, yellow, red, green, yellow, green . . . green, yellow, green, red . . . makes no sense to me.
But there are other things in the world that make no sense and they’re more important than stripes on a sock. Like terrorism. Have you guys seen this? Go ahead and take a look, I’ll wait.
Is that cool or what? Here’s what they say about their website:
We are not afraid to ride public transportation.We are not afraid to walk down a crowded street.
We are not afraid of each other.
We are not afraid to say that terrorism in any form is never the answer.
We’re not afraid is an outlet for the global community to speak out against the acts of terror that have struck London, Madrid, New York, Baghdad, Bazra, Tikkut, Gaza, Tel-Aviv, Afghanistan, Bali, and against the atrocities occurring in cities around the world each and every day. It is a worldwide action for people not willing to be cowed by terrorism and fear mongering.
The historical response to these types of attacks has been a show of deadly force; we believe that there is a better way. We refuse to respond to aggression and hatred in kind. Instead, we who are not afraid will continue to live our lives the best way we know how. We will work, we will play, we will laugh, we will live. We will not waste one moment, nor sacrifice one bit of our freedom, because of fear.
We are not afraid.
You all know that I haven’t used this blog to say much politically, but this seems like something the knitbloggers could get behind. Let me know if you post something there, okay?
And, for those of you asking, here’s the latest and greatest from Ambrynn. Her future is bright and we owe it to her and all the other babies in the world to protect that future. We’re not afraid.
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Love that picture! She is precious!
Thanks for reminding me about the We’re Not Afraid site – G and I were looking it over the other day and planning the picture we would send in. Hopefully soon.
Ambrynn is absolutely beautiful.
You’re absolutely right. We can’t live in fear.
The pictures on that site just give me chills. So powerful. Thanks for the link. And thanks for that adorable baby picture. She is gorgeous~ and so alert for a newborn!
Matching is overrated.
Thanks for the link.
sounds like the hungry quilters should take a stand. get out the digital camera. you go girl!
All that random sock striping! As you can imagine, it would drive me nuts. The socks look great though. Don’t you love striping socks in that pattern? It looks very impressive for the amount of work. That baby is adorable. I hope you get to spend lots of time with her.
btw-I agree with Cari, it’s just that I can’t help myself.
Oh, she’s ADORABLE!! Keep ’em coming, Carole!
I love your feather and fan sock. What pattern and yarn are you using?