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As My World Spins

So, I had my first real spinning lesson. Can I just show you?
This is before:

This is after:

By George, I think she’s got it!

My lesson was with Cathy Martz at Dream Acres Studios in Westport. Sharon and I learned hand carding and drum carding and I have to tell you – I just loved loved loved the drum carder! Cathy had some roving all ready for us but the fleece in my bag was so yummy and fragrant with lanolin that I couldn’t resist carding that and using it. I was spinning on a Louet and with just a few hints from Cathy about the semi-worsted method of spinning I was able to get much finer yarn than I had been getting on the Ashford at home. I realized that, in addition to the new technique I had learned, I also needed to adjust the tension on the traddy. So, Saturday morning I did some research, with the help of Alden Amos, and figured out what to do and, well, you can see the improvement above.

Cathy also happens to be a dealer for Ashland Bay so of course some stuff followed me home. In the basket is the fleece and roving and some glitz that Cathy included as part of our lesson. Next to the basket is a big ole ball of alpaca and some beautiful merino.

We go back this Friday to learn more spinning techniques along with plying and dying and I can’t wait!

I leave you with this, a photo of our first fire of the season. What better way to end a lovely day of spinning than by curling up next to the fire and knitting?

Comments (15)

  1. My dad would have a cow if he could see all that wood next to your (screaming hot) woodstove. Is that a Jotul or a Vermont Castings?
    Oh, right, and your spinning looks great!

  2. I love that you are jumping in feet first into spinning! It is wonderfully relaxing and addictive. Youre spinning looks wonderful—enjoy!

  3. I love fires but my only chance at one is in Silver Fork. Your spinning looks great but it’s good to hear you’re still knitting;-)

  4. Holy crap! Look at your spinning! You’re doing fabulous!
    What you’ve learned just from one lesson makes me realize what I was suspecting all along–my teacher sucked.
    Love your fire! We have a gas fireplace, and with the cost of gas nowadays, I doubt we’ll be using it much. 🙁

    Happy spinning!

  5. By George…yeah, I think she’s got it indeed! That is some lovely looking yarn there missy.

    I have a full-sized louet drum carder which is great for coarser fibers, but people seem to recommend the PG and Fricke/Strauch carders for a wider range of fibers, including bunny, llama, etc. My carder is too coarse for the more delicate fibers, and I would get neps if I tried to card them. But it cost $50, so I’m not complaining!

    There’s really nothing like just-carded fiber. It’s a totally different experience.

  6. Good job on the spinning! 🙂

    I have a Duncan Electric, which I adore. If you are planning on going electric, I highly recommend these, plus Dick is only a phone call away if there is a question.

    I’ve got my woodstove going too. Brrrrrrr. And snow is predicted for tomorrow night!

  7. Nice! I’m so jealous of your woodstove, I’m trying like hell to get rid of our old one on freecycle (instead of chucking it) so we can get our new one installed before snow flies.

  8. Beautiful progression on the spinning! That lesson was worth its weight in gold. Alpaca…merino…just too much yum there for verbal noises. Really.

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