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The Land of Tricks and Treats, Part One

Last week, Margene brought us all to the Land of Green Witches. This week, in keeping with the Halloween theme, I present, The Land of Tricks and Treats.

Snow in Southeastern Massachusetts on October 29. And not just spitting snow but actual stick-to-the-ground snow. Is this what the coming winter is going to be like? Sigh.

Finished Socktoberfest socks! I know it wasn’t a rule that the socks had to be finished in October but I really wanted to be done with them by the end of the month. And I am. That’s Trekking Autumn and the pattern is feather and fan from the book Socks Socks Socks. And they are warm and for me and I really love ’em!

Finished Kiri Shawl! The pattern was easy to follow and it was my first time using charts. Never mind the little argument I had with chart 3, it was all my problem, and once I got over it, I breezed through and finished the shawl on Friday night. The bind-off (because some people think we should be timing bind-offs on shawls) only took 1.5 hours. But the shawl is beautiful and it only took ONE ball of Karabella Lace Mohair and I love it! And it’s oh-so-perfect for Halloween because it does sort of look like a spider web. Which is better than looking like a lunch-lady hairnet, right?

Tune in tomorrow for more treats, including the haul from the Franklin Fiber Twist!

Comments (20)

  1. Kiri DOES look beautiful! Congratulations!

    As for the Fiber Twist, I’m SO jealous! I didn’t even HEAR about this one until noon yesterday…how sad is that? Can’t wait to see the haul. (see how I’m ignoring the snow? see?)

  2. The socks and shawl are gorgeous … and you got way more snow than we did. We had just enough to excite the children (“It’s Christmas!” said the Young’un) and horrify me, and then it was rained away.

    At least the last few days have been glorious.

  3. Yay, for Socktober. It wasn’t a rule but it’s nice to have fun, warm socks off the needles just in time to wear. We have snow in the mountains and I hope we get all the snow this year and you can be dry.
    LOVE Kiri. It has such a pretty edging. Nice work!

  4. It *is * all gorgeous- even the snow! Of course, here in NC I may not have quite the long winter ahead of me that you do.

    I love the color of the socks. I’m so thrilled to hear that it’s “Autumn”, as I just ordered some in that color the other day.

  5. We had snow last week and were two days without power. Boy was I not ready for winter before Halloween. Today is much better, thank goodness. Beautiful knitting as usual Carole!

  6. Congratulations on Kiri, Carole! It’s beautiful in black. I *forgot* to time my bindoff, darn it!

    Can we have a model shot?

  7. Great Kiri! Finished socks, AND a finished shawl in the same post. Want to see FiberTwist stuff. Nownownow. I showed you mine, now you show me yours. Heh.

  8. What beautiful socks!! Perfect colors for fall and they look so warm and cozy. Your Kiri is simply stunning. Just gorgeous!! Looking at your Kiri inspires me to want to give that shawl another try. What a fantastic way to end Socktober! 🙂

  9. I’m a little jealous of the snow, actually! It’ll come soon enough, I’m sure, but I’m ready for sweaters and mittens and fireplaces. (Of course, I could just turn up the AC…)

    Love the socks and Kiri is gorgeous!! Did you get to wear her for Halloween and are we getting a picture??

  10. Beautiful! I just blocked my own first Kiri. It does look spiderweb-y, though mine is a purple spider web.

    And gorgeous socks, too!

  11. kiri envy—-

    beautiful- beautiful fearsome object—- if i could only find the courage——or a secret pal to knit it for me!

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