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The Land of Tricks and Treats, The Final Version

You may recall that last Friday, Blogless Sharon and I went for our second and final spinning lesson. Cathy of Dream Acres Studios is definitely a treat. She’s friendly and knowledgeable and managed to help me improve my spinning in very short order.

Seeing Sharon take to spinning like a duck to water has been a real treat. We both fell in love with spinning at the same time, and half the joy of spinning has been learning with my buddy.

My first plied yarn. Not bad at all. This is the fleece that we carded and spun and then plied. I love it!

My first plied yarn after it’s Kool Aid bath. Sigh. I’m glad to have learned the technique of dyeing with Kool Aid, it’s quick and easy and you don’t need any special stuff. But the colors? They’re pretty limited and I’m just not sure this is a color I would have chosen. Day-Glo pink is not a part of this librarian’s wardrobe. Know what I mean?

Finished mittens for Sandy. I knit these up with bulky yarn that I had in the stash. Took about 4 hours. Total. I love me the quick knitting project! And, see, Sandy? I wasn’t just claiming to have mittens, I actually have mittens. Oh, and Liz, did you notice? Only one measly piece of wood next to the woodstove. The man has changed his ways. Which makes Mason happy – more room for him on the hearth.

The final treat of the week. The treat of all treats. A package from my Secret Pal arrived! Not only did I get awesome yarn but also yummy Jolly Ranchers and the coolest key chain ever. Thanks, Secret Pal! Once again, you have sent me wonderful things. Woo Hoo.

Next week we return to your regularly scheduling knit blogging.

Comments (11)

  1. The spinning is amazing. And you can get some really wonderful colors with combinations of Kool-Aid. I got some great ones last winter — teal and eggplant and melon and Robin’s Egg blue to name a few.

  2. Your first plied yarn looks great. And Kool Aid isn’t so bad…sometimes it’s nice to have bright colors. I find that I use more dilute solutions than other people (*cough* because I’m cheap *cough*). Also, if you paint roving with kool aid, it ends up being more muted when spun up.

    I love that color. Time to spice up your life, perhaps?
    HEY BLOGLESS SHARON! Looking good!
    Just wanted to shout out to BS! (hee, blogless Sharon!)
    Yes, mittens. They DO exist. And not only do they exist, they are beautiful. Good for you. Now, please send them to
    Sandy Hurley
    Didn’t you read the rules? All mittens are now mine.
    THAT is how much I love mittens!
    Oh, I slept too long. It’s going to be a long day!

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