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Christmas, 1864

Yesterday our Civil War group, the 18th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, attended a local farm Christmas celebration. We set up a few tents and fly, had a fire, coffee and snacks and just all around enjoyed a fun day of Christmas, Civil War Style.

I promised pictures of myself in the paletot, so here ya go.

I’m knitting, of course. And maybe laughing, too.

Here’s Dale, pontificating for the local cable television crew.

And this is our fly, all decked out for the holiday.

It was a great afternoon, even if it was pretty cold. The fire and wool clothes mostly kept us warm, although my feet were cold, even in my wool socks. But spending time with our buddies, laughing and just enjoying the chance to be together in the off-season, was a great way to spend the Sunday before Christmas.

Comments (29)

  1. You look loverrrly in your paletot! And it looks like you guys had a great time. You certainly went all out—EVERYTHING looks period–great job!

  2. Carole, you look so cute…and authentic!
    Have you ever done a *Civil War style* family photo for the Christmas cards? If not, you must!
    (Sorry to bring up Christmas cards.

  3. Oh, there was grog, was there? So THAT’s how you’re able to keep smiling in the cold. ;o)

    So, are you knitting handspun on period appropriate needles?

  4. That looks so great, truly authentic! I love this %&*$, I really do. I’m from Mass, where did you do this? Oh, and I may have to come over and use your drum carder. I’ll bring my own beer. Cheers!

  5. Oh, I wish I’d know you were doing this. I was in Middleboro Sunday. I could have stopped by for a bit. Oh well…

    Camp looks great and you look fabulous!

  6. Way cool! I had some outings with the SCA in my youth. A few centuries earlier, but the reenactments are always fun. I refused the traditional female role of ‘ho.

  7. Great pics,I love to see it! You are so cute with your holly. It is cool that you guys do it. I am soooo interested. I know it sounds crazy to complain about Martha’s Vineyard, I just want to be able to go and do that kind of stuff when I want but I can’t. I miss you guys, I will call soon about Hannah, anytime is good for me.

  8. Well fiddle-dee-dee! Don’t you look fantastic!!!

    Yes, it’s true, I’m waaaaaaay behind, so please forgive the way out of date comments that are certain to be coming your way, but dayum girl, you look awesome!

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