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Sock Sleeve Tutorial
A while back, I started creating custom sock sleeves for the handknit socks I make for others. (Why would I bother to put a sleeve on a pair I make for myself?!?) You may remember that I showed a photo of one here, on the pair I knit for Cecily. At that time I received a few inquiries on how I did this. It’s really quite simple and I want to tell you that I didn’t think this up on my own. The idea originally came from Carolyn and Grumperina, and I got permission from them to tell you how I did it.
Anyway. Here’s a picture of Emily’s Bloomin’ Feet socks all wrapped up in their nifty sock sleeve.
I used Microsoft Publisher but you could use other software as well. I know Grumperina used Photoshop but Publisher seemed easier to me. I copied and pasted my blog logo but you could use whatever you want for a graphic – a sheep, a ball of yarn, it’s your design, you decide. Then add text – saying who they are for, what the yarn is, the pattern, washing instructions – really whatever you want the recipient to know about the socks, because, again, it’s your design. Then put a box around the whole thing. Or not. It’s your design.
The key, I think, is using the right paper. Matte photo paper is perfect for a sock sleeve. It’s strong enough to go around the sock and not be all flimsy, but it’s thin enough to go through an inkjet printer without jamming. If you orient the paper horizontally then you can actually fit two on a page.
And a close up:
I included the ruler so you can get an idea of the dimensions. Each label is about 1/3 of the sheet of paper. The box itself is about 3in. x 2.5in. All that’s left is to cut – I use a paper cutter for nice straight edges – and put it around the socks.
To recap:
1. Design.
2. Print.
3. Cut in two.
4. Wrap around sock and secure with tape.
5. Gift.
Simple. Really simple. But, oh so nice.
Any questions?
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I love those sock sleeves. I never leave myself enough time to make them though. I suppose if I made it generic enough I could whip out a batch of them all at once to have on hand. That, however, would require a lot of forethought and planning 😉
Good idea! I never thought of doing that for socks, although I do something similar for my yarns. 🙂
Veddy Fancy!! I Like!
Very nice.
I cannot believe that you posted about this today. I am making my sister socks for her birthdy and was just thinking I wanted to make a sleeve. Cosmic!
very nice band (umm.. sleeve). good idea.
I saw the sock sleeve post (at Grumperina’s blog – a while ago) but at that time, hadn’t knitted any socks.
Thanks for the tutorial. Now that I’ve knitted (a) sock, I’ll need to make some sock sleeves. Not for the one sock I’ve finished, but for the socks I’ll make in the future. 🙂
That’s a great idea for sock sleeves. I’ve done something similar by printing on those paper-backed fabric sheets from the local art store, and making fabric care labels for sweaters and hats and stuff. It all gives it a more profesional look. You design is great!
So simple! Thanks for the tutorial. It’ll come in handy for Sockapaloooza and other sock gifts.
And, I spoke too soon . . . WEBS was having a sale on E.L Silky Wool, which I’ve been wanting to try for ages, so . . . I ordered some last night. Oh well!
What a great idea!! I love it. Thanks for posting a little tutorial.
Such a simple and elegant idea. Thanks for sharing. I’ll be using this next time I knit socks for someone else, but right now, it’s all about ME!!
Presentation can really make the gift, if you ask me. I think it helps to show how much we knitters value our knitting time if we present the knitted gift well.
Looks great. I love the nice presentation. I think it really adds that extra something to the gift.
I made sleeves for the scarves I gave as gifts at Christmastime. They make it alot easier to let the recipient know how to care for the item, etc.
Of course, I cheated and downloaded a template from someone’s site since…well, it was Christmastime and I had NO time ;o)
Thanks for the instruction – very helpful :o)
I’m planning a lot of hand-knit gifts next Christmas, so thanks for the sock sleeve tutorial!
that is so professional
Very, very cool…wish I had a color printer!
Way cool..adds such a nice personalized touch to a handknit item.
Very nice design, Carole! Microsoft Publisher is one of my favorite programs. ; ) If I could only have one program on the deserted island computer, that would be it.
Nice tutorial Carole! I’ll have to give the sock sleeve a go next time I knit for someone else.
Very special idea. Do you add washing instructions too?
How simply clever! Thanks for sharing.
Also, Giftee gets to keep the sleeve and put it on her bulletin board.
I’m SO going to start doing this! Thank you!
Hey, are you a teacher??
Great idea! Thanks for sharing!
Uhhhmmmm, I’m going to show my comptertardness. Does everyone have Microsoft Publisher on their computers, or do I have to buy it?
Thanks for sharing… it would have taken half a day of thinking, making mistakes, etc, and you have saved me that. I just love how generous knit bloggers are.
Thanks for the info, love these computer tricks, they’re endless. Lovely socks!
Awesome! Now I can link to you when folks ask how I make those :). You’re right – the paper makes all the difference.
Beautiful socks and cool tute! Thanks Carole!
So did you buy an egg? 🙂
Beautiful socks and cool tute! Thanks Carole!
So did you buy an egg? 🙂
Thanks for the tutorial, Carole! I think a sock sleeve will be perfect for my Sockapaloooza Pal’s socks. 🙂
Really cute. I’ll have to do that next time I give away some socks (which could be like never…I love them too much!)