Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
On The Needles
Here I am, trying to come up with a post. It’s hard to follow fiber festival posts with something interesting, you know. And then I had an idea. How about a post about knitting? That would be something new and different around here these days.
So, allow me to present: A catalog of the current works in progress, from oldest to newest.
1. Seraphim Shawl, started March 2, 2006
This shawl is nearly done but, as you may recall, I ran out of yarn. I ordered more from Red Bird Knits, who in turn special ordered it from Fleece Artist. I was told it would take about 4 weeks and it’s been 5 and no sign of the yarn yet. It’s frustrating when a project is this close to completion and it’s forced to languish in the knitting basket! I want to finish it and wear it. And I also want to knit more of Mim’s fabulous shawls!
2. Peace Fleece Everyday Cardigan, started April 10, 2006
The back is done and the left and right fronts are done. Sleeves haven’t been cast on yet because I’m dreading the whole banishment to sleeve island. I’m wondering, though, if I shouldn’t try and finish this sweater for Estes. It might be just the thing for layering. Do you think I can knit the sleeves and do all the finish work in two weeks? (You do all know I’m going to Utah to visit Margene and then we (and a whack of other bloggers) are going to Estes together, right?)
3. Frilly Cardigan, started May 26, 2006
This cardigan is the real reason I stopped working on the Everyday Cardigan – this one is a gift for Ambrynn’s first birthday and that’s only 4 weeks away. Yes, the dreaded dealine knitting. But, the stockinette on size 2s is endless and I’m already bored. It’s plenty big as I don’t think the baby will have much need for a merino/cashmere blend in July so I was thinking of setting this aside and finishing it over the summer so she can wear it in the fall. Coincidentally, today I saw this adorable little top over at Step Into My Thimble. I’ve already ordered yarn to make this for the birthday baby instead. It will be perfect for the summer, I think.
4. Lotus Blossom Shawl, started May 29, 2006
This is my Amazing Lace teammate and so far I’m loving the pattern and the yarn, which is Blue Heron Mercerized Cotton, pushed on me recommended by FluffyKnitter Deb. I began on the official start date of the program and I finished Chart 1 the same day. I hope it continues to go as smoothly because I’d love to have this to wear on chilly evenings this summer.
And there you have it. The updates on my current knits. What’s in your knitting basket right now?
Comments (42)
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Beautiful Projects, lady! I especially love the colors of the seraphim shawl. Between you and me, I was thinking of making some headbands for those windy days in the jeep. There has to be a pattern for that somewhere!
This was a very interesting post! I pretty much only knew (or remembered rather) Seraphim so it was quite nice to see all your WIPs lounging around your garden space.
All very lovely WIPs! You know I don’t have a WIP right now? I finished GG and have been running around like a chicken sans head trying to get ready to leave today. But I swear, I WILL co for some roadtrip knitting today. And my Amazing Lace teammate will be co for next week.
I love the colors! The pinks and purples are so vibrant, and the blue and green so peaceful. I’m in a bit of a knitting funk right now — maybe you will inspire me.
A sweater for my youngest that will be a Christmas gift. A camp sweater for me that I have to complete before we go camping. That is it.
Your seraphim is BEAUTIFUL! I sure hope they get you the yarn soon. I want to see it finished!
i think it’s funny that you have all of those projects going on at the same time. plus socks.
Well, so long as you’re keeping busy . . .
Everything looks lovely!
That little halter top is tempting me, too! It’s adorable. Thanks for the link to the FO.
And I love how your shawl looks!
BTW, today is Miriam’s birthday! Seraphim is beautiful and certainly on my list. You could knit the baby cardigan on the airplane on your way here. The EC would be good for layer and you could also pick up and knit the sleeves down. I hear they are very big anyway and that might be a better way to ensure a good fit.
More WIP than I have! Quite impressive. And quite beautiful! I love your color choices.
Beautiful WIPS! And a nice variety – but boy howdy, stockinette on 2’s?? That calls for a movie marathon to complete 🙂
Your work in progress is beautiful. I especially like the Lotus Shawl. I just did 2 of those baby tops over the weekend. It’s a great quick little knit.
The Peace Fleece sweater is looking great. I love that yarn.
If you get into too much trouble with Margene, let me know. I can find oyu a bail bondsman if you need one. (Because of an uncle on the wrong side of the law. lol)
Nice assortment of projects.
Thank you for posting your wips which are beautiful by the way. I have just as many and now I don’t feel so bad. I really like the yarn you chose for the Lotus Blossom that is going to be one snazzy shawl!
There is a definate universal consciousness in blogland. I am seeing a lot of UFO assessment going on. That’s a good thing. You can most definately finish that Peace Fleece Cardigan in two weeks and you’ll feel so happy you did if you can wear it to Estes!
Gift knitting is hard when you get in a slump but I don’t blame you at all with size 2 straight stockinette knitting. I think I just fell asleep on my keyboard 🙂
Posting about knitting…I’ll have to try that sometime! 🙂
Love your WIP’s. I think the baby sweater as a fall/winter gift is a good idea.
Does it get chilly in the summer where you live?? I should have snatched up that house that was for sale in your neighborhood a few months ago! Here, it’s all hot, all the time.
I love the Blue Heron yarns – that shawl is going to be stunning!
Socks. I have socks on the needles. And some other things I should be paying attention to, but I only seem to be able to knit while carpooling these days.
Oh the Katja is too cute. I must make this for my cousin’s baby. She is our little fashionista. Perfect for warm weather in the midwest.
I love all your projects. I’m going to live through you as you head to Estes. That’s going to be a fabulous adventure!
My knitting basket if full of Christmas knitting and I’m pretty darn sick of it. That’s why I’m noodling with my socks!
So? Are ya loving the cotton? I love the shawl you picked, it’s one of my favs! I vote you work on the Everyday Cardi, the Lotus Blossom and your Trek socks til after Estes…you don’t wanna tire yourself out and not be able to bring back new goodies! (for me!!hehe)
Love all your WIPS but they make me nervous, I’m a 2 WIP knitter, period.
Your oldest WIP only dates back to March of This Year? Well. Ok then. I’ll let you jump to the obvious conclusion that my unfinished stuff is older, and refuse to provide any more details than that.
Your Seraphim is looking gorgeous! Mine’s in time-out right now. I think I’m using an old, flawed pattern because the parts on either side of the repeats isn’t working out right. I’m having to fudge it, and I hate to fudge. So she’s in time-out right now
Nice WIP’s Carole; they are all so beautiful. How do you get it all done? I think my WIP’s are destined for UFO status – I am so trying to not start anything new (other than Trekking and Amazing Lace and socks)…crap I am already screwed! I will have to learn your secrets!
Wow! I just found your blog and really enjoyed looking through it. It makes me feel a bit better to know that I’m not the only one out there that needs to have several WIP’s going on at once! Maybe it’s the multitasking that comes with being a librarian…I’m one, too. Thanks, also, for the great list of blogs to check out. Oh, to have the time to knit, blog and read blogs…I’m all over it! 🙂
Wow, some beautiful pinks there. I have a boring stockinette residing in a knitting bag (felted vest for DH), one of Mim’s shawls, which I will probably still be working on at Estes, and CeCe, which I hope to wear there, but like you, wonder if it is realistic to expect to be done in under two weeks. Maybe we will be staying up late finishing together?
I am impressed that your oldest UFO is from March. All lovely. Blue Heron — hmm, must check that out!
I’m so impressed by the Frilly Cardigan. How I *heart* size 2 needles.
I’m about to cast on my socks for the Trek-along. But I won’t allow myself to finish them ’til after Estes so we can get a group photo.
All your WIP’s look great. I have been wanting to co for a shawl for weeks but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Maybe this weekend. When are you going to Utah? You lucky girl you!
Thanks a million for the spinning wheel picture. So cute they have their own names! Tomorrow i’ll be going to our Wool and Fiber neighborhood in Buenos Aires and will start the spinning oddisey! 🙂
I loved the colors of the Lotus Blossom Shawl!
if you put your mind to it, you certainly can finish the cardigan in time for Estes — it might be just thing to pack too! although, you can also layer with a shawl …..
My WIP basket is pretty empty, I haven’t been feeling the knitting love lately. Maybe once I get the AC in…
I love recaps, especially fiber related ones. Everything looks beautiful: love the peace fleece, and I love the colours in your Lotus Blossom Shawl, so summer-y night kind of colours. AND the styled photo shoot in the garden is a great backdrop.
Loads of beautiful pics,this post and last. Gorgeous colours.
Impressive list of WIPS, with substantial progress on all of them.
I can’t wait to see your Seraphim finished! The colors are beautiful. I started one a few weeks ago, but have put it aside to work on TWO deadline projects. Of course, I’d rather be working on Seraphim.
I totally think you should try and finish the Everyday Cardigan – it *would* be perfect for the layering at Estes (jealous *cough, cough* jealous). Plus, then then Ambrynn’s sweater could be your plane knitting…
Ooh. Lots of great projects. Lotus blossum shawl is sure pretty.
Please please pleeeeeeze finish up that Everyday Cardigan! Mine is my very favorite sweater ever–there’s nothing that can rival it on a cold day. I want you to have the same pleasure. 🙂
The “Amazing Lace” is intriguing, too much going on to start another project now, beautiful color choice!
Please, please tell me where to find the pattern for the Everyday Cardigan. It has Christmas present for mother-in-law written all over it!!!
I’m new to reading blogs, so I’ve missed the pattern if its been given before!!!