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Breakfast of Champions


That is a picture of Monday morning’s breakfast with Margene and Birdsong at Silver Fork Lodge. Huevos Rancheros isn’t generally on the menu here at home. Sigh.

The trip was fabulous and I promise to tell you all about. But right now? I need to sleep.

Comments (27)

  1. That looks yummo! Welcome back. I know you had loads of fun…that goes without saying. Get some sleep. Then tell us all about it.

  2. I’m still trying to catch up on sleep, and I didn’t have anywhere near the travel time you did. You must be fried!

    It was wonderful to get to see you, Carole. I miss you already.

  3. This weekend was a blast! It was so great getting to meet you and all the others. I’ve been sleeping nearly 10 hours a night since I got home so I understand your needing to rest!

    I’m not a big huevos rancheros person, I prefer some of the other egg dishes like huevos mexicana or migas, but that looks like one great plate of huevos rancheros that I would eat!

  4. What??…… I smell a blogger’s conspiracy about today’s post here, at Margene’s and Birdsong’s….food is all we get to see?? 🙂

  5. Glad to see that you made it safely home – I had such a good time traveling together and can’t wait for the chance again.

  6. Huevos Rancheros are easy.

    Line a 9X13 pan with 6 tortilla (corn or flour, spread oil first). Spread your favourite salsa. Top with 6 eggs evenly spaced. Add cheese and some liquid (I tend to use chianti). Bake at 350F for about 25 minutes.

  7. I was so lonely after dropping you off at the airport. It felt like a part of me was had gone away. It was fun being ‘connected’ to you all weekend. Thank goodness we have Rhinebeck to look forward to…4 months ONE DAY!

  8. Yay! I am glad you are back and I can’t wait to see/hear all about your terrific trip.

    And huevos rancheros? They ROCK. And should be eaten OFTEN. 😉

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