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Cookie Day!

If all goes according to plan, I am spending today baking Christmas cookies with my long time friend Doreen. This is something we do every year and it’s fun and festive and also very very practical.

On the list this year: peanut butter balls, ginger cookies, and spritz. There’s also the potential for some sprinkle cookies and bourbon balls but that might not happen until this weekend when I’m on my own.

I’m sure you can picture us, measuring and rolling, dipping and pressing, all while laughing. And maybe drinking some wine.

I think it’s going to be a very good day.

P.S. The pictures in this post are all from past cookie days. I’ll try to remember to take new ones tomorrow!

Comments (9)

  1. What a fun holiday tradition. Even if you enjoy baking, and I do, working with a friend makes it more enjoyable. Happy baking!

  2. Have fun! Such a cute picture of you two. My friend Leslie is spending this week baking…unfortunately she lives in NC, so we can’t bake together.

  3. Hope you two have the best time!! I’m so jealous of your annual cookie day, it always sounds like so much fun. At least I get to reap the benefits … and yes, I’m talking about those scrumptious peanut butter balls!

  4. Happy baking!! I had so much fun the couple of times that Ann rented a commercial kitchen and we spent the day baking… and laughing. 😉

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