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Halt Right There

Yesterday’s post was good for a laugh, but not really very substantial. In case you’re wondering what the heck that big pile of mulch was all about, Dale has been doing some maintenance work for the town this summer. Monday they had 180 yards of mulch delivered to the municipal playground, which is right next door to the library. There was equipment out there and several other people working. But at lunch Dale was on his own with just the tiny shovel. I couldn’t resist taking a picture for the blog!

Frankly, I was worried that I’d have nothing to post today. But then my daughter-in-law, Heather, came through for me. She sent me a picture of Ambrynn wearing the Katja top I knit for her for her birthday.


This was a super quick knit (less than 2 days) and really fun, too. It’s a bit big for Ambrynn so I’m going to take a few stitches in the back to snug it up. But Kristi made a great modification to this pattern that I wish I had seen before I knit this one. She did a row of YO/K2tog right below the first few rows of the body and then threaded a ribbon through the eyelets. What a perfect solution that would have been, had I only thought of it myself.

Can I brag a bit, too? Ambrynn was a runner-up in a beautiful baby contest at our local fair. Clearly, the judges were blind. How could they resist that face? I know we can’t! Which is probably why I’m already knitting something else for her.

Comments (31)

  1. She’s a cutie-patutie, and that pose! That is precious. She’ll probably be able to wear that top two years — bonus.

  2. Between Dave with the duckies and you with the kid, there are just too many adorable critters in blogland this morning. Yours is better dressed, however.

  3. She is adorable and so is your hand knit:-)

    I have been dying to knit something for a little girl but it seems that only boys are being born over here in the Western part of the state.

  4. I wonder if Mack would like a halter top. ; ) Ambrynn is adorable. You’re so right about those judges — eye exams all around!

  5. That is adorable, Carole! You’ll just have to do a YO, K2TOG row on the NEXT one, because as adorable as she is and as fast as knitting one up is there is no reason not to knit her another one, right? 😉

  6. Very cute pose! I think she would be darling in a second version, with the ribbons, if grandma was so inclined to make one 🙂

  7. She is adorable! And the top too but really, who can pay attention to the top when it is worn by such a cute girl? Whatcha knitting for her next?

  8. Brag on, Carole–she IS beautiful!!!!!!!! And the Katja top is so adorable. I love the color! The ribbon idea is a great one. Well-done!

  9. I can’t believe how big Ambrynn is getting. And what amazing eyes she has! She’s going to be a heartbreaker.

  10. That pose miraculously came out of a second attempted “photo shoot”. I just couldn’t get Ambrynn to stay still long enough to actually get her in the frame! But she finally did..typical female…has to be on her terms I guess!

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