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So, ummm, what did you do last night?


I went shopping and bought an original Canadian Production Wheel. You just never know what you’re going to find on sale, eh?
ETA: I didn’t mean to be so cryptic! Here’s what happened. Last week there was an email sent to the listserve of a local spinning guild on behalf of someone selling a Canadian Production Wheel. While I’m not an official member of this guild, I do belong to the listserve and I have some friends in the guild. The woman who sent the email actually owns the wheel that Dave Paul used as his prototype for his CPW reproductions. And this woman, who I know and trust, said that the wheel being sold was beautiful and in wonderful working condition. She also said that if she didn’t already have the wheel she bought from Dave she would be buying this one.

To make a long story short, emails were exchanged and last night Dale and I went to look at the wheel. I checked it over and spun on it and found it to be exactly as described. The price was very fair and she came home with us. I have named her Abigail because the woman I bought her from is a docent at the Abigail Adams house. And I cannot wait to get home from work today and start spinning!

Comments (56)

  1. Hey, good find! I’ve finally got mine up and running too, I was just posting my post about it! Where did you find it?

  2. Congratulations! What’s that – a wheel for every person in the family? LOL! I’m trying to justify my second.

  3. Pretty pretty. Well done. I think you should have a CPW spin-in, and we can bring along ours and introduce them all to each other.

  4. WHAT??? And on sale no less? Truly beautiful. Did you get it like Maggie did from an antique shop on the Cape?

  5. So, 6 now? You are gonna need to buy a lot of roving to keep all them thar wheels busy. (Not like you need encouragement there either, eh?)

  6. WhooHOO! You collect wheels like other people collect sock yarn!! I can’t wait to see it, you lucky duck you 😉

  7. So when are you opening your house up for tours??? Carole and Dale’s House of Wheels
    Congrats on scoring another gorgeous wheel!

  8. She’s gorgeous! Could you please post a close-up of the flyer assembly? Always pleased to see a venerable wheel make a smooth transition to a welcoming home.


    it’s BEAUTIFUL! 🙂

    Any idea about its age, provenance, etc? Can you give us some specs like wheel diameter, ratios, etc? Can you get bobbins for it?

  10. Jaysus woman, how many freakin’ wheels do you have now?!?!

    Okay I’m jealous. Officially. I managed to hold it off until now but I can’t anymore.


  11. Wow! Fantastic! So neato to have so many wheels to choose from, all in your home. I must know, WHERE do you keep them all?

  12. How awesome!!! You are going to have so much fun!
    (Hey, BTW, the Bead Soup bracelet is one fun little project. Thanks for the recommendation!)

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