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Amazing Lace Challenge #6

I really wasn’t going to enter this Amazing Lace Challenge. I had an idea, right from the beginning, but I didn’t think I’d have time to get the photos I wanted. And I figured since I had already won Challenge #3 (thank you, again!) that I didn’t want to push my luck by entering again. But this challenge kept nagging at me. Here’s what we were asked to do:

Your challenge — your final challenge — is to post a photo of your lace being proudly worn or displayed by the strangest, funniest, or most unlikely model you can find.

And here’s what I came up with. This is the Massasoit statue in downtown Plymouth, MA.

This is Massasoit modeling my Amazing Lace shawl.

How’s that?

Comments (28)

  1. Ha, ha, ha….that’s a hoot! I forgot about the challenge. We have a big statue just like yours at our State Capital but for the life of me I can’t remember who it is.

  2. Awesome. Massasoit needs a splash of color. That tone on tone loin cloth is so dull. Clinton and Stacy would hate it.

  3. Massasoit, wherever he is, is either giggling his head off or blushing the same color as the shawl. Or maybe both. In any case he looks lovely.

  4. That’s GREAT. And yes–he does maintain his dignity. Real Men apparently CAN wear lace loincloths without any problem.

  5. Look Carole! I went away for a while and then snuck in quietly tonight and was able to leave a comment! So what was that all about? (Am I pushing it trying to leave two? lol)

  6. That’s hilarious!! John Ashcroft would be so proud (didn’t he spend time going around having naked statues covered up in the AG’s office?). Too funny.

  7. I am writing a book that requires a thumbnail sketch of Massasoit. I wish to obtain a head thumbnail sketch of the statue from your site. Will you give me permission to use this thumbnail sketch. I shall give credit to your site. Lois Annette Chalker Askew, 911 Euclid Avenue, Birmingham, Alabama.

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