Oh, Lonesome Me

I’m guessing that most of you who read my blog also read Susan’s blog. But in case you don’t, you might have missed the fact that Susan and I have started a Yahoo Group together.



The Lonesome Skein Knitalong is designed to help you use up those solitary skeins of yarn you have hanging. We are suggesting that you use them to make quick and easy projects for holiday and charity giving. There are links for patterns and the emails and introductions are flowing.

You can read all about the group by clicking on the picture up there but you need to hurry because sign ups close on October 16th.

Hope you’ll join us!

Comments (27)

  1. Yay! I already joined. I have so many lonesome skeins, balls, hanks, the works! Thanks for making this group!

  2. Already there, and this is turning into a great resource for patterns – aren’t you two the clever ones?! Thanks for putting this together.

  3. Hey, that picture looks like it came from my house (although they are probably too many trees for it to actually be my house). Great idea. I’m going to have to think about this one.

  4. Oh, what a good idea! I’ll just sit here and admire all your clever ideas as I’m on a KAL moratorium until I actually K, you know, AL and not eons after the fact.

  5. I’m in! I’ve got lots of them pesky single skeins hangin’ around. And I’m feeling motivated. And I need some fingerless mitts. Thank you!

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