Reflections on Knitting, 2006

Happy New Year everyone! I slept a bit late this morning because Dale and I were out partying until the wee hours last night. Heh. Luckily, I planned ahead and I’m ready with a post for today. See, on January 1, 2006, I posted about my finished knits and my goals for the upcoming year. Let’s do something similar today, shall we?

First, my stats for 2006:
18 pairs of socks
10 dishcloths
9 hats
7 shawls
7 scarves
2 baby sweaters
3 pairs mitts/mittens
1 beaded bracelet

That’s 57 knitted items in 2006, ten more than I finished in 2005! And, while this is not a race or a contest to see how much I can get done, it’s nice to tally things up and see that I’m beating my own records. You can see photos of almost all of these finished items (there were a few things gifted without being photographed) in the Finished Items 2006 Gallery.

Now that we’ve seen what I actually did, let’s take a look at what I said I would do.

Goals for 2006

1. Knit 12 pairs of socks done
2. Learn to dye roving and yarn done
3. Learn to Navajo Ply. done
4. Knit that cabled vest for Dale whoops
5. Finish the Einstein Coat! abandoned and finally frogged

Hmmm. That’s actually not too bad. I accomplished 3 out of 5 of my goals. But it’s a new year and time for new goals!

Goals for 2007

1. Knit 20 pairs of socks. I knit 18 this year without even trying. I think I can do 20.
2. Knit a Nancy Bush sock pattern. It’s hard to believe, with all the Nancy Bush books I have, that I’ve yet to actually knit one of her sock patterns. This will be the year.
3. Overcome my fear of cables by knitting myself a cabled sweater.
4. Knit a pair of mittens from the book Folk Mittens.
5. Knit that cabled vest for Dale. I’ll give this one more shot but if I don’t do it this year, it’s coming off the list.

I’m excited to get started on these goals although I haven’t decided which will be first. How about you? What are your knitting goals for 2007?

Comments (44)

  1. Happy New Year!!! That’s an IMPRESSIVE list — I was showing the hubby your gallery yesterday and admiring it! Navajo plying is a goal for me; also maybe a pair of colorwork mitten.

  2. You and Lucia are inspiring me with your lists. I’m not sure I want to catalogue my lack of intensity for the year, but planning for the next sounds like fun! Happy New Year to you. That’s a whole wardrobe you knitting in ONE YEAR. We’ll forgive the absence of cables.

    I used the Irish Hiking Scarf to master cables. You get a lovely scarf out of it, and no future fear of cabling.

  3. Great goals Carole. Go on – don’t be afraid of that cabled sweater. The first sweater I ever knit was full of cables. My friend made me do it under protest. I’m glad she did because it’s not an issue anymore.

    Go face the cable!

    Working on my own goals this morning. I’ll have them on my blog later today….

    Have a happy and healthy 2007!

  4. Happy New Year, Carole! Impressive list, and really great goals. I predict that you WILL become a MASTER of CABLES this year. Uh-huh.

  5. Oh you *have* to knit Nancy Bush. If nothing else, go into the Vintage Socks book and pick on of the first few ribbed patterns that introduce new heels and toes.

    That’s quite alot of knitting. I didn’t add all mine up, but with an almost three months hiatus at the end of the year and several froggers, it’s not even half. But I beat you on Moth ;>

    I won’t do a knitting goal, but I do have something of a resolution up.

    Happy New Year!

  6. You’ve inspired me to set some knitting goals, but I’ll have to think on it a spell 🙂

    Cables are truly easy peasy. The Lisa Lloyd vest I am working on would be a good choice for you and I’ll even help you at spa :-)!

    Happy New Year!!

  7. One of my goals is to actually finish a pair of mittens from Folk Mittens. I’ve had the second on the needles for a looooong time now.
    P.S. That’s an impressive 2006 list, sistah.

  8. Good goals. Many great Nancy Bush sock patterns to choose from, and I LOVE Folk Mittens. I’ve been thinking I may end up making several pair from it myself this year, because I’m enjoying knitting Eunny’s Anemoi Mittens so much.

    Happy New Year!

  9. You certainly got a lot of knits accomplished in 2006! Great goals for the new year as well. I too plan on getting more in to the cableing this year by knitting the blanket that’s on the cover of “Cables Untangled) for my step-brother’s wedding in October.

  10. That’s a great list of FOs. I am so happy to see that you have 2 cabled items on your to do list! You are so going to love doing cables!

  11. That’s an impressive list. If only I could accomplish half of that! I’d like to conquer my fear of cables too- make an Irish Hiking scarf and the Lisa Lloyd’s Pearl Vest. Also want to master Navajo plying and knit with my handspun. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  12. Goodness me, what a productive year 2006 was for you! Bravo! I am with you on the Folk Mittens knitting and the Nancy Bush patterns. I am hoping to knit several of her patterns this year.

    Take care, and happy New Year 😉

  13. Nancy Bush pattern – excellent choice! I think I’ll be finishing off 2006 with one of hers and starting 2007 with another one. Happy new year!

  14. Thatsolotofknitting! As to learning cables – trust me they are so easy!Butdefinitely take a shot at learning to do it without a cable needle. Such a time saver!

  15. Very impressive inventory!

    I think your goals are completely do-able … and that you will enjoy whatever Nancy Bush pattern you settle on.

    A word of warning about Folk Mittens … I’ve only knit one pair from that book so far (the Selbu mittens), because the instructions (specifically for the thumb gusset) were … well. Shall we say “lacking”? I have plans to knit several more pair, but will do so knowing that the patterns are not necessarily to be trusted and that the process may involve some Math.

  16. I applaud your accomplishments and also your goals. Today I took a look at some of the yarns I have (not many, but a few handspun and some leftovers) and the projects I would like to accompish and I got quite confused about what to knit, with what yarn, and for whom.

    You seem to have things quite clear in your mind. Some are not so lucky!

  17. WOW!! Look at all those FO’s! I’m afraid to write all mine down. This coming year I’m going to attempt “Steeking” for the first time in my 30+ knitting career! I’m afraid of cutting all that hard work! It may take several others around me to encourage me to use the scissors!
    Maybe we will get to meet at a CW event in the coming year!

  18. Your ’06 FOs were great, and your new goals are laudable. I’m looking forward to reading about your tackling cables in ’07.

    Happy New Year!

  19. That’s a great list of accomplishments! And, the goals really sound like they will be fun! I’ve posted my goals on my blog…

  20. Great post! I’m curious to go see what my knitting “stats” were for 2006.

    I’m still trying to decide what my goals will be this year. Yours are nice and specific — mine tend to be big and broad (like, “I will knit only sweaters” or something).

    Congrats on a wonderful knitty 2006! I hope 2007 proves just as enjoyable and productive.

  21. Very impressive list. Knitting goals are not my thing, but lists are fun to make and accomplish. I plan 2 shawls, 2 socks and one sweater in the next couple of months. (That’s as far as I plan…you never know what’s going to grab your attention away from intentions);-)

  22. You and Hannah are giving me a complex. I have no idea how many things I knit last year! I did post a new list of projects for 2007, but I finished one last week so it obviously needs a tweak or two.

    As for cables? Choose or design a pattern where they all cross on the same row, they all travel on the same row, and the number of purl stitches in each ditch is consistent. Makes it go so much faster! Oh, and pointy needles are a must.

    Wish you all much luck and joy in 2007.

  23. Those are some wonderful goals for the new year 🙂 I love to just flip through the Nancy Bush sock books myself just to look at them all.

  24. Repeat after me, “Cables are my friend. Cables are pretty. My husband deserves a cabled vest.” ;o)

    You can do it! :o))

  25. I love how you accomplished your goals and have set higher ones for next year! This is so librarian of you!!! GREAT JOB!!!

  26. Goals? Already the list may be longer than the year… I have a shawl, sweater for me and vest for DH carried over from 2006 to finish, as well as a new shawl started, a cabled vest, my Bohus sweater kit that I got last spring and didn’t get started before summer and lots of small stuff for charity and the crafts co-op. And, I would like to try something modular, perhaps the shaped jacket in the Winter Knitters – there’s something I haven’t done yet. Socks, I am wowed by your prowess and only aspire to a few pair of hand-knits, but hope this is my year to become a sock machine whiz kid. Happy New Year, dahlin’

  27. Happy New Year!

    I love cables! They look so impressive and they aren’t all that hard (sssh – don’t tell).

    I am going to make 52 CounterPain squares. I have said it out loud, that makes me committed right?

  28. you could take the pressure off of your cable goals if you knit dale’s vest first, then knit your sweater once you are a pro!

  29. Your accomplishments are impressive. I already posted my goals. I’m in the midst of putting together another cabled scarf pattern — you never know, you might like it :).

  30. congrats on your goals – both achieving and setting the new ones.
    I’m still looking for the “right” cabled sweater pattern. The one I found the other day just doesn’t quite do it.

  31. I’m still catching up with all the blogs I missed over my vacation and I saw your list. Very impressive! You really set the bar high.

  32. I have a lovely aran men’s vest pattern that I just can’t see myself knitting. I’d be glad to donate it to your effort. Let me know. As for Nancy Bush sox, well ditto that. I have started and frogged many. I think I didn’t have my head around the sock concept when I first found Nancy. So it’s a deal grrl, let’s do a Nancy pattern!

  33. those sound like good goals! i’m going to try the cabled sweater for myself and i’m thinking a little fair isle might be nice. lets see if the knitting goddess smiles down on me this year!

  34. Happy New Year! You’ve knit quite a bit in the last year. Me, I’m hoping to get a shawl or two done and have something to show for all the time I spend with the fiber. 🙂

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