Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
A Saturday Jaunt
I have a cold. It used to just be in my nose but now it’s in my head and my throat and my back, too. Other than the little jaunt that comprises this post I spent much of the weekend on the couch. I assumed that resting a lot would mean I’d be better today but that’s not the case and I’m home from work. I have to be better by tonight as it’s a spinning night at the library and I’m the one with the key! That’s my health situation. We now return to our regular blogging.
I do not have a local yarn shop. This is something I lament frequently. Yes, there are a couple of those big box craft stores 15 minutes away. And yes, there is a small but lovely yarn shop 20 minutes away. But right in my town? Nada.
The closest thing I’ve ever had to a truly local yarn shop is Saftler’s but they specialize in fabric and haven’t really invested a lot in their yarn department. Until now. You see, Saftler’s has undergone some major changes over the last year, including a complete redesign of the store.
One of those changes resulted in moving the yarn department to the front of the store and surrounding it with this cute picket fence. It’s adorable and it’s only 7 minutes from my house.
So, Saturday morning Blogless Sharon, along with our friend Debbie, and I went out to breakfast and then headed to Saftler’s for their grand re-opening celebration and sale. Lois was there demonstrating Magic Loop and the yarn department was bustling!
They still have a lot of ack-rylic yarn but they’ve got some decent things to choose from as well – including Trekking XXL, thankyouverymuch. And Addi Turbos. Ahh yes, I can now purchase Addis without shipping charges. Squeee!
There were lines at the cash register all morning, a heartening sight for those of us who have been worried that those big box craft stores would drive our local craft store out of business. And I even had a brief chat with Eric, the owner of the store. I told him he had room to start selling spinning wheels and he said . . . wait for it . . . that he’s planning on doing just that. Double squeee!
I’m definitely going to have to stop complaining about not having a local yarn shop now.
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How exciting! I’m happy for you. I hope you feel better soon.
Woo-hoo!! I hope you’re feeling better….
I had been lamenting the fact that there is no fiber shop near me, but this weekend I came to the conclusion that it might be best (for my wallet, hehe).
Ooh, Trekking yarn a mere 40 miles from me!! Who knew? Do they have a good selection? Not that I’m allowed to buy sock yarn because of my 2007 knitting resolution. And not that I am not still sick of socks. But still. One must plan for the future.
Hello, we had a great day!! Seems as though you were feeling better today! See you on Wednesday! Debbie 🙂
Now I get to be green with envy (grin) our closest yarn store is 45 minutes from here. ugh.
It looks like a wonderful little store – and sounds as if it’s going to be a great success ! yippeee!
I’m so sorry to read that you don’t feel well. Chug down lots of liquids and stay warm my dear!!
Congrats on the improved version of your “LYS”. I sure hope as time goes by their yarn selection improves.