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Flower Basket Shawl

The Flower Basket Shawl had been on my “to knit” list for ages – before I even started knitting lace, in fact. The problem was, I had sort of moved beyond a beginner lace project and I wasn’t all that interested anymore. Then I had a moment of brilliance and decided to knit a Flower Basket Shawl for my dear friend Lois’ birthday.

The yarn is some unknown hand painted lace weight I had in the stash and the colors are perfectly Lois. While I generally prefer to knit shawls with solid color yarns, I do think this pattern works well with the variegated yarn. I knit 14 repeats of the flower basket pattern and used a size 4 Knit Picks options needle. It took me just about two weeks to complete the project. Hannah was thrilled to model it for me this week and I gifted it to Lois last night. She’s even more thrilled than Hannah and has promised to wear it on her European cruise this summer.


I suppose that one of my handknit items cruising through Europe is almost as good as cruising through Europe myself.


Comments (72)

  1. Omg, i look terrible in all of those! its good you didnt show them to me or i wouldnt have letyou post them. i cant beleive you put in the tree hugging one!

  2. what a perfect gift – and a gorgeous model.(grin) That shawl will most certainly be well loved. I totally agree that the varigated yarn looks great in that pattern!

  3. That is a beautiful gift! GORGEOUS work as always Carole.

    I sure would be envious to know one of my handknits was cruising Europe instead of me. (sigh)

  4. That’s quite lovely (shawl AND photoshoot). It’s frustrating that we can’t figure out ahead of time which variegateds work well with lace. That one really did.

    Lovely gift.

  5. I think variegation that doesn’t stray very far from its core color can work so beautifully with lace — and this is a perfect example of that. What a wonderful gift!

  6. Very pretty shawl Carole! I love that pattern and plan on making another one someday too. It looks really pretty in variegated yarn!

  7. Carole your Flower Basket Shawl is gorgeous! It has been on my must knit list for ages too. I really should get to it! Beautiful model too!

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