So the thing with SPA is, other than whatever fiber craft you choose to pursue,…
New Hampshire Sheep & Wolf
The title of today’s post is brought to you by Pastor Olson at my church. You see, on Friday when I told him that I was heading to a Sheep & Wool festival, he thought I said it was a sheep and wolf festival. I explained what I really said, told him a festival with wolves wouldn’t be much fun for the sheep, and we had a good laugh. I’m happy to report that there were no wolves at the New Hampshire Sheep & Wool festival – only good friends. And perhaps some fiber and yarn.
The weather was absolutely perfect – blue skies and warm sunshine with just enough of a breeze to bring the temps down to a comfortable level. This weather was all the sweeter when compared with last year’s horrific rain and flooding. I even took a picture in the same spot just so you could see the difference in the water level.
The blogger meet up was great fun. It wasn’t as huge (or overwhelming) as Rhinebeck and I got to catch up with quite a few friends while meeting some new ones, too. We had lunch in the picnic grove and spent even more time visiting and laughing. I did remember to pull out the camera for a couple of photos.
Manise is whacking Dale. I think he criticized her spindling technique or something. Whatever the case, he had it coming. Heh.
Laurie is probably contemplating the best way to enable my non-wool purchases while Maryse makes what I call her “French” face. You know the one, “zee I am better zan you becawse I am French” look. Love you, guys.
And that’s it for photos of the festival, I’m afraid. You’ll just have to trust me that we ate lobster rolls and shopped and laughed and had a generally wonderful time.
Oh, wait. I can provide photographic proof of the shopping.
you can click this one to make it bigger
Two Grafton Fiber batts, one Foxfire ribbon batt, some merino from a place I don’t remember but I couldn’t resist the color, yarn and a free pattern to make a couple of baby hats, Judy’s sock yarn and a wristaff, silk hankies and a silk brick from Carolina Homespun, and a t-shirt that says “Spin Free or Dye.”
You will notice: no fleece. Of course, this could be because I have 3 processed fleeces at home that I haven’t even touched yet. Or it could be because I brought two unprocessed fleeces with me to leave with the good people of Friend’s Folly for processing. Whatever the case, I wasn’t even tempted.
And that’s my travelogue of New Hampshire Sheep & Wolf. It was a wonderful day!
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Your purchases are so pretty! I can’t wait to see your spinning – especially the multi-colored yarn. It’s going to look so neat.
It was a pleasure to meet you again and to meet Dale. Thanks for enabling me too. I bought some of Judy’s yarn as well while there. The Sheep and Wolf festival was so much fun.
that’s a beautiful haul; esp that deep purple.
I”m not sure I would call my efforts a success.