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A Day of Play

On Saturday, Blogless Sharon and Martha and I headed to Coggeshall Farm in Bristol, RI for their first ever Wool Fair. It was a gray and drizzly day but our moods were bright and sunny — we were off in search of fiber and we were together – that’s what really makes days like this worth while.

The event was quite small but I think it has marvelous potential. We saw Lisa and Cindy and Donna was there as a vendor. My purchases were meager but I did manage to find a spindle, some cheery lime green roving, and a “rambo” bump. Good stuff, truly.

After the festival we headed into Bristol center for lunch. We found a nice pub and had burgers and beer and then wandered around Bristol for a bit. It was relaxing and fun to explore some place new to all of us. But then we went somewhere that wasn’t new to me, only new to Sharon and Martha. Those of you familiar with the area will be able to guess where we went – Sakonnet Purls.

Sakonnet Purls is a wonderful yarn shop in charming Tiverton, RI. And it’s huge, as yarn shops go. It’s not huge like WEBS but it’s pretty darn big. They’ve got lots and lots of Rowan, including a whole wall of kidsilk crack – and there’s Noro and Malabrigo and Claudia’s Handpaint and and and. It’s a bit overwhelming, just ask Martha. There’s also a “sale shed” full of yarn, all for $4/ball. I actually pulled out the camera while we were in there.

Only a sale on Debbie Bliss can cause smiles like those.

We had spied a coffee shop on our way to the yarn store so after we left we headed there for lattes and a bit of knitting. It was the perfect way to end our day, I’ll tell you. Chatting, sipping coffee and knitting with friends, it just doesn’t get any better than that.

Comments (45)

  1. Quite the yarn, fiber crawl! Glad you all had a wonderful time despite the weather.

  2. Good morning. I’m glad its Monday. What a nice way to spend a day. Tomorrow my group goes to Port Jefferson to a knit shop and some knitting by the sound. Have a good day. sandy

  3. Good morning. I’m glad its Monday. What a nice way to spend a day. Tomorrow my group goes to Port Jefferson to a knit shop and some knitting by the Long Island Sound. Have a good day. sandy

  4. Whack! That’s me hitting my forehead (ouch!) I meant to go. I just forgot the date. Sheesh! But glad you folks went and had such a great time and gave a good report. A new festival deserves support!

  5. I’ll definitely have to add that to the schedule for next year since I’m swearing off Maryland from now on. Onward to Cummington!

  6. Completely envious. It’s not every day that one gets to attend the very first state fiber festival! I hope everyone bought lots and lots, so that they’ll continue the tradition, 😉

    Debbie Bliss for $4/skein is unheard of. Wow.

  7. It does sound like a wonderful day – and a perfect way to combat the weather drearies. 🙂

    So, um, what did YOU find at Sakonnet Purls, hmm?

  8. Glad you all had fun! Did you guys end up at Aidan’s Pub for lunch?

    There’s always great stuff at Sakonnet Purls. I try to stay away! I actually just live up the road from Coastal Roasters. Sitting outside, drinking coffee and knitting by the water – doesn’t get much better than that!

  9. Sounds like a great day. I think I would like to see the sale shed. Although, my DH and my bugdget would probably prefer I didn’t.

  10. A “rambo” bump??? my goodness is Sylvester Stalone spinning now? (heh heh.. I know, truly I know..but couldn’t resist)
    Looks like you ladies had the perfect day!

  11. I love Sakonnet Purls – my favorite yarn shop anywhere! I remember when their sale shed was $2/ball. Those were the days . . .

  12. What a nice way to spend the weekend. Fiber and friends…..doesn’t get much better 🙂

  13. Can you believe that I, a Rhode Islander for longer than I’ve been a knitter, have never been to Sakonnet Purls?? I think I may be going to a SNE bloggers meetup there on June 23 though — and now that I’ve read your description, I’m even more motivated!

  14. As soon as I spotted that photo of the Sale Shed, I squealed. I LUVLUVLUV Sakonnet Purls — so much that I was there recently 3 weekends in a row. Wish I knew you were going to the Wool Fair. I would have gone!

  15. oooh, thanks for the review of Sakonnet Purls… I’ve driven by several times as my hubbie’s family’s cottage is in a nearby town and I’ve never stopped to go in.

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