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More Tales from the Tailgating

I have a few more random things to tell you about the Jimmy Buffett concert but before I do I want to ask you to go wish Kim a happy birthday today. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Are you back? Good. And thanks for doing that. It can’t be easy having a September 11th birthday and I know Kim will love the love. Anyway, back to Jimmy Buffett. Hope you don’t mind. Even if you do, stick around because I’m going to share a great recipe at the end of this post.

~I do believe that One Particular Harbor is my new favorite Jimmy Buffett song. When he introduced it at the show he said, “All you people who wore grass skirts tonight get ready to wiggle.” I wasn’t wearing a grass skirt but I did my share of wiggling.

~Many of the people tailgating were playing games. We saw bean bag tosses and card games but my favorite was the limbo. No, I did not participate.

~There were many, many canopies and chairs and tables and grills set up throughout the parking lot. I commented to Dale that one row in particular was especially hard to maneuver. It was like a friggin’ field sobriety test, if you know what I mean.

~There is something truly pleasurable about watching 55,000 people swaying to “fins to the left, fins to the right and you’re the only bait in town.”

~The best part of our tailgate picnic was the pickled shrimp. The recipe came from Sean way back from our picnic at New Hampshire Sheep & Wool in 2006. I don’t think he’ll mind me sharing the recipe. I don’t have a photo but trust me, it’s fabulous.

Pickled Shrimp

2 lbs cooked shrimp
1 cup veg oil
3/4 cup cider vinegar
2 large-ish onions thinly sliced
1/2 cup pitted, chopped black olives
2 T Worcestershire Sauce
Juice from one lemon
a clove or two of fresh, minced garlic
salt and pepper
2 bay leaves
Tbs or two of sugar (to taste)
1/2 bottle of capers with the juice

Mix all of the marinade ingredients together and pour over two pounds of cooked shrimp. Chill overnight and serve with sliced baguette.



Comments (31)

  1. Great clip! What a way to start ones day off! Thank you.I remember that shrimp- at my first Sheep and Wool festival in the rain 🙂

  2. Well. There’s nothing wrong with having a field sobriety test set up at a large gathering of teetotalers. Because that’s how you’d characterize the crowd, right? 🙂

    Sounds like a blast!

  3. The shrimp looks delicious. Guess what we had for dinner last night since it was a little chilly: roast beef soup or as we call it Carole’s soup!

  4. Thanks Carole….you are a good friend! Hmmm… b/day party with friends is usually a Buffet Lobster party. Last year they burned all of the Buffet albums for me…..I’ll stick them on my ipod and bring them along 🙂

    3 more sleeps 😉

  5. Hey Babe…I would have been right there staggering about the parking lot with you, wiggling and swaying!
    Thanks for the recipe…I’ll try it this weekend!

  6. That tailgating sounds way too much fun! I love Jimmy Buffett, but have yet to catch him in concert.
    I wished Kim a happy birthday and sent her this link:
    A friend of mine is a columnist for the local paper, also with a 9/11 birthday, and he wrote last year about meeting others with 9/11 birthdays. It’s actually rather uplifting.

  7. Mmmmm, I’d forgotten how good Sean’s shrimp were. Thanks for posting the recipe. I just happen to have almost all of the ingredients already. And the makings for some bloody Mary’s, too.

  8. aw come on didn’t Dale wear his grass skirt? I know you have at least 2 coconuts to go with it!!

  9. Oh what a delicious recipe! I’ve been looking for a new way to cook shrimp. I usually butterfly it and cook it in butter and garlic or grill it on bbq with onion and lemon.

  10. Back in the day you used to be able to conga line and limbo around the lawn at Great Woods. Back when it *was* Great Woods, and when it *was* a lawn. Sigh… Seats suck.

  11. That’s ALWAYS been my favorite Buffet song. It has a very deep meaning for me. I’m welling up as I watch the clip and running to find my old CD. Thank you Carole…

  12. Pickled people are always a good match for pickled shrimp!

    My best friend has her birthday today and we have out anniversary tomorrow. It’s always a bit odd to celebrate.

  13. Sorry you had to wait so long, I went and wished Kim a happy birthday and took the quiz on her blog. You know how it is! 😉 I love hearing of concert adventures! Sometimes that’s a big part of the fun!

  14. The tailgating sounds like so much fun. What a perfect way to get ready for such an awesome concert.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. Sounds yummy!

  15. That sounds like a darn good time! I went to my one and only Buffett concert on my 21st birthday. Gosh that seems like a long time ago now. It was my first (legal) margarita! My friends surprised me with tickets and then made me wear a parrot hat!

  16. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the Buffett concert! I particularly liked the t-shirt you saw about “Polly wants a cocktail!”.

    Ohhhh…those pickled shrimp sound really good. I must try that.

    BTW, I made some refrigerator pickles using the method you mentioned and a little help from Coconut and Lime…I hope they turn out good!

  17. what a fabulous time you must have had at jimmy b’s concert – and i love that photo of you and dale in the previous post – awesome! did he sing cheeseburger in paradise? (i think that’s one of his!) wish i had been one of the flowers on your hat –

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