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Walk With Us Wednesday

This past Sunday was the Race for the Cure and Team Spun and Run was well represented. The race was much bigger than I expected, having never done anything like this before. It was actually pretty easy to get caught up in the excitement of the event – speeches and testimonies and free give aways – were the order of the day.

There was the money raised, too. And our team raised nearly $2500! Woot!


Of course, there was also the walk. 5K isn’t much but I sure was tired afterwards! Thank goodness for BBQ with friends.

Comments (23)

  1. I know, it was a lot bigger than I expected too! Well, now that we’ve got some experience with these things we’ll know more what to expect.

  2. Way to go! Is that a sock bag I see in Heather’s hand?

    My walk is this Saturday and it’s also not a long walk, but I’m always tired afterward. I think part of it is all the activity surrounding the walk.

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