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Walk With Us Wednesday
This past Sunday was the Race for the Cure and Team Spun and Run was well represented. The race was much bigger than I expected, having never done anything like this before. It was actually pretty easy to get caught up in the excitement of the event – speeches and testimonies and free give aways – were the order of the day.
There was the money raised, too. And our team raised nearly $2500! Woot!
Of course, there was also the walk. 5K isn’t much but I sure was tired afterwards! Thank goodness for BBQ with friends.
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And that stunning group knits too?!? 😉
5K sounds like a lot to me! Nice work and congratulations on a job well done…ALL of you.
Yay!! Great job.
I know, it was a lot bigger than I expected too! Well, now that we’ve got some experience with these things we’ll know more what to expect.
Well done ladies!
Good for you! 5k sounds like quite a lot to me.
Awesome!! Way to go team!!
Great job raising all that money!
Great job! :o)
That’s a great amount of money to raise! I’m glad you had fun doing such a helpful thing.
Congrats to you and your team!
5K sounds like a lot to me, too! (echoing Margene)
Well done, you!
Good for you Carole! Rest you toes with some nice hand-knit socks!
Way to go! Is that a sock bag I see in Heather’s hand?
My walk is this Saturday and it’s also not a long walk, but I’m always tired afterward. I think part of it is all the activity surrounding the walk.
Wow! Congrats – 2500 bucks raised is fantastic. Way to go!!
Woo Hoo!
Well done!
Go you!
WOO HOO!! Nice job!
We’ll have to make this a yearly habit! Way fun and great food after!
Thank you — those of us who need cures are most grateful. You’re a good person.
What a great accomplishment!
I think I could do a 5k walk, but never a run. You guys did a great job raising money for a worthy cause.
congrats on a great achievement!