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Red Scarf Project Socks
Interesting title for the post today, yes? See, I never mentioned it here but I offered to knit a pair of socks as a prize offering for Norma’s Red Scarf Project ’08. I had opted to donate money this year rather than overwhelm the Red Scarf people with scarves again. And then, early one morning, I had a flash of insanity brilliance and thought that perhaps the idea of winning a pair of handknit socks would inspire someone to donate more money to the cause. So I emailed Norma and told her my idea and she eagerly accepted and publicized the prize and hoped for more donations. The winner was blog-free Betty Jean and, according to Norma, she really really wanted to win the socks.
She chose the Dublin Bay pattern and Toasty Toes sock yarn.
They pooled and flashed horribly.
But, for better or worse, they have been sent.
I just hope she’s a fan of pooling and flashing. And I really hope they fit.
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Lucky recipient even if they do flash and pool a bit.
Flashing and pooling is okay; they are lovely socks!
The color is beautiful and the flashing makes an interesting pattern. You did a good job and they are wonderful!
Those are lovely socks. I’m sure they will be well loved.
Wonderful! This was such a great prize, Carole — thank you so much!
I love the colors…pooling isn’t so bad. Lucky receipient!!
They’re beautiful and she’ll love them! What a generous thing to do Carole!
You know how I feel about pooling and flashing, but in these dark, rich colors, it doesn’t look bad at all. Nice job!
I think the pooling looks great with those colors! I am sure she will be thrilled with her toasty warm socks.
Oh, I love the way those pooled. Wonderful!
Honestly, I’m not a fan of the flashing and pooling and those socks really do look nice., Betty Jean will be thrilled with her handknit socks prize!
What a thoughtful and generous thing to do Carole! I never noticed the supposed “pooling and flashing” – but then I always think of them as design elements in the yarn anyways! Very lovely!
Dang, I love that pooling and flashing! Hmm, I might even have that colorway in the Stash o’ Hugeness…
I’m sure she’ll be thrilled with the socks! There is something so special about having someone else make a pair of socks for you. What a wonderful way of rewarding her for her donation.
Usually I hate pooling, but on these socks I think it looks fine. Strange how that works sometimes. Good deed, good job!
I’m on board with all the pooling & flashing fans for this pair of socks, not sure why but they work beautifully. Lucky Betty Jean!
I think they look marvelous. I’m sure Betty Jean will be delighted!
Oooooo….I think they pooled and flashed beautifully! Love the pattern too. Great job/generous donation.
She will love them! And truthfully, I like the colors the way they came out! My socks always spiral, but I think the zigzaggy pattern is super cool! Not a very professional sock knitter, am I?
Carole, those are really beautiful socks, and so nice of you to make them. Have you ever tried making knitted tube socks? That might solve the fit problem, and no heels to turn!
What a great prize! I’ve always thought of pooling and flashing as a design element, not a bad thing. Betty is one lucky lady 🙂
Wow! Winning custom-knit socks… how cool is that! You sure have a big heart, grrl.
I think they’re very pretty. I never minded pooling. I had done a pair of socks once that pooled quite nicely actually, they pooled in one line and circled around the calf and foot all the way through the sock. The recipiant is very lucky!
Hi everyone!!
I recvd my socks and I love them!! I tried them on already and they fit perfectly! They’re so soft! No problem how the colors are…beautiful! They’re coming with me to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving. I’m meeting my son there. I’m supposed to be packing now. See ya.
I think they look great! And sounds like Betty-Jean loves them. Nice job!!
I know I would love them and I see from her comment, she does too…and they fit…even better!
If I won those, I’d be very happy.
I think they look great! At least they pooled and flashed in a more or less regular pattern, instead of blotching all over. (But then again, I’m partial to pooling and flashing and am seriously considering getting that yarn and making Dublin Bay socks so I can have some just like those…)
O.M.G. those colors are unbelievable! Lucky Betty Jean! I want that yarn, I need it, I love it with all my heart. (There I go again. But I do. No, a person cannot have too much sock yarn.)
I’ve heard flashing and pooling is just a transfer of superpowers from knitter to wearer….
I have a pair of socks that flashed and pooled like that, but even though they are hideous, I wear them anyway. I’m sure Betty Jean will appreciate them, no matter how the yarn behaved. Honestly, though, in those colors, it doesn’t look that bad. It doesn’t detract from the pattern, and besides, who would turn down a pair of custom knit socks? 🙂
Are you kidding me? What a great pair of socks, and how nice of you to donate them. Who cares about the flashing and pooling. Only the most talented of sock knitters can do that.
Hello from a local quilter (Fall River, MA). I stumbled on to your blog from your comment at Be*mused. Just wanted to say I like the orange quilt behind the socks in the top photo (sorry, I don’t knit).
Lovely socks — she is one lucky lady!
you know, they are very pretty – despite the flash and pool issues (which drives me nuts too btw) – I think that anyone who receives a gift of handmade hand dyed socks will be thrilled. Squishy, soft socks… what’s not to love?
Beautiful socks! As for flashing and pooling – it is what it is. ;o)