Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
What’s Knitting?
So, apparently Kim is worried that bloggers aren’t showing their knits in progress these days. Seems that perhaps there is a trend towards waiting until a project is finished and then having a great unveiling. Well, I’ll admit to that having done that several times but I wouldn’t consider it a habit.
And, to prove my point, here are today’s works in progress:
Mittens. One completed, one in progress. Okay, so the only part left is the thumb, but they aren’t done so that counts, right? These are for Knit Unto Others, of course.
Socks. Because, you know, there are always always socks in progress here at Carole Knits.
And that’s all I’m working on this week. Which means, if you’ve been paying attention, that Hannah’s Central Park Hoodie is done. I never showed you progress photos, did I? Whoops.
Okay, here’s a blocking photo. Does that count?
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That looks FANSTASTIC — you are motivating me to get mine done (after some more pressing knitting). Of course, I look forward to seeing the modeled shots! Your other WIPS look great too.
She’ll show us some action shots, right!? It’s going to be so cute on her. What yarn did you use for the mitten. I need to pick up something washable and warm…Wool Ease?
I can’t wait to see how it looks on her! I love that sweater, it’s in my queue!
WOW! Hannah’s sweater is going to look fantastic on her. VERRRRRRY nice, Carole.
Wow….Carole the hoodie is fantastic!! I can’t wait to see Hannah modeling it!!
Thanks for the WIP pics!
I love Hannah’s Hoodie!!!
I was wondering where that hoodie went, but then I thought “uh, oh… what if it’s “not a good subject” at Chez Carole y Dale?” Glad to see it is blocking—- is the recipient dying to try it on?
All I’ve GOT lately is knits in progress! No pressure from me for a Big Reveal, Kim!
I heart the hoodie!
Sweeet mittens, and love the ca-razy socks, the CPH though, now that’s a Beauty!
YOU’VE been busy!!!
It all looks wonderful…
Ooo, I can’t wait to CPH modeled! Drying/blocking counts as WIP, doesn’t it? 🙂
You know, I’m guilty of wanting to show the finished product and not posting progress on projects. I posted some WIP pics last week, I think, so I’ll try to get back in the habit of showing my progress.
Love your projects! The hoodie is hot!
Both the WIPs and the FO look great! Congrats!
I definitely do that with smaller projects! I mean to pose about it, a couple days go by, and then I think it would be more interesting if I just wait until I’m done! Can’t wait to see Hannah in her CPH, it looks great and cuddly in that warm classic grey!
Hannah will be stylin’ in that! I just can’t keep up with posting every step, and sometimes things look so undecipherable in their beginning stages that it hardly seems it would be exciting to anyone.
There is always a pair of socks on the needles at my house too. The mittens are really cute. Love the color. And the hoodie turned out great. Can’t wait to see it modeled.
I tend to show progress pics, but I do think I’ve cut back on them a bit lately. That was a quick CPH! Looks great! 🙂
the hoodie looks wonderful! I haven’t been showing progress picks because my projects these days are gift items….. which makes for boring blogging!
I love seeing works in progess. It makes you feel like you’re apart of the growing process of making something beautiful. I guess I like to see the evolution of things. Of course, posting it is something different, I’m so afraid that it will become a U.F.O. that happens to float around my home. 😀 My daughter would love those socks!
Wow, that hoodie was a fast knit! Can’t wait to see it modeled!
I think it’s people’s perogative whether or not they show WIP pics. I mean, it is their blog, right?
Hey, it all counts. I’ve been knitting nothing but squares lately, and I’m about ready to cast on some socks. Of course I already have some on needles, but I also have an idea rolling around my head that I want to try out. (What with all that rolling, it’s hard to concentrate on anything else.)
Hannah’s Hoodie is lovely! I can’t wait to see the great unveiling/modeling by your cute daughter.
And those are some seriously bright socks!
Love the hoodie! I was just thinking over the weekend that I’d like to make mine in something brown-ish or taupe-ish.
Heh, I’m afraid I am often guilty of that.
Love those aqua mittens. They looks so warm and squishy!
I wish I showed more WIPs. This time of year makes it so hard to get decent photos because of the darkness. And really, who wants to show their beautiful handknits in a blurry, dark photo?
central park hoodie blocking still counts as in progress (grin) ’cause we all know that the next photo will be that gorgeous girl of yours modeling it (another grin).
I’ll show some wip’s soon – my camera JUST got back from the repair factory (yippee)
I definitely don’t show as many progress pictures as I used to either. Of course, I don’t post as much as I used to either, so that may be why.
Everything looks great. You really zipped through Hannah’s sweater!
Lovely mittens and very cute socks. Hannah’s sweater is beautiful!! I look forward to the modeling shot.
The sweater looks great! I think the holidays may cut down on WIP pictures – I don’t want my gift recipients seeing things!
I love the hoodie. What yarn did you use for the hoodie?
Hannah’s CPH looks womderful! Looking forward to the photo shoot. What mitten pattern are you using?
Cute little mittens. The CPH looks great (and yes, blocking does count as a WIP). I also can’t wait to see Hannah modeling it.
Love the hoodie. Can’t wait to see the modeled shots.
Yay it’s done! I’m guessing that the pattern showed up. ;o)
I’m guilty of a lack of WIP photos lately – okay for a long time now. I guess the lack of sunlight is getting to me since the thought of photos just makes me feel tired.
I think I have what JessaLu has. Plus lace in progress isn’t very attractive, ya know? Unlike mittens.
Can’t wait to see Hannah model her sweater. It’s just beautiful, Carole. Well done!
Wow, you are prolific!!
Dang, all done!? Already!? You are a knitting powerhouse, woman! It looks beautiful. (and it goes without saying there will always be socks, right? 🙂
Glad to see what you’re working on. It is true that we do usually only show FO’s. I do enjoy seeing a WIP photo now & then though. Keep em coming.
By the way, the color of those mittens are so cheery. Someone will LOVE them!
I love the CPH, so cute! I’m sure your daughter will love it too! Do you have a pattern for the mittens? I would love to make some for the homeless people that live near my office.
I hope hope hope the rumor is true…that knitting daily is sharing the CPH with everyone! Plus sizing too!! So we all can knit a lovely hoodie like yours Carole!
I often don’t show progress pics cause sometimes they look the same until they are done!
Kim shamed me into showing a WIP, too.
Oh, wow, that hoodie is awesome!
Awesome knits!! So when do you start a sweater for you 🙂 (yes, just call me a troublemaker…LOL)!
Nice, nice, and nicely done! Thanks for sharing your knits!