Reflections on Knitting, 2007

Happy New Year, everyone! It’s become a tradition for me to post about my finished knits and my upcoming goals for the New Year on January 1st. And you know how I am about tradition so you won’t be surprised to see me doing this again this year, will you?

First, my stats for 2007:

24 pairs of socks
10 pairs mitts/mittens
9 hats/headcoverings
4 shawls
3 scarves
3 baby accessory items
3 sweaters/vests
3 dishcloths
1 felted bag

That’s 60 knitted items in 200, three more than I finished in 2006!

Now that we’ve seen what I actually did, let’s take a look at what I said I would do.

Goals for 2007:

1. Knit 20 pairs of socks. I knit 18 this year without even trying. I think I can do 20. done and then some
2. Knit a Nancy Bush sock pattern. It’s hard to believe, with all the Nancy Bush books I have, that I’ve yet to actually knit one of her sock patterns. This will be the year. I had actually already done this and didn’t realize it.
3. Overcome my fear of cables by knitting myself a cabled sweater. again, done and then some
4. Knit a pair of mittens from the book Folk Mittens. done but not exactly. I knit mittens from the Selbuvotter book instead but since my point was to knit stranded mittens then I think I can call this goal done.
5. Knit that cabled vest for Dale. I’ll give this one more shot but if I don’t do it this year, it’s coming off the list. done

Goals for 2008

1. Knit another pair of stranded mittens.
2. Knit a sweater for me.
3. Expand my sock knitting techniques. I think it’s time to try toe up, short row heels and short row toes. Just to say I can.

My goal list is shorter this year and I’m not sure what that means. Maybe it’s time to push myself even harder or maybe I’m just happy with my knitting skillz as they are. Whatever the case, I’m sure it will be a year full of wonderful knitting.

How about you? What are your knitting goals for 2007?

Comments (39)

  1. Congratulations on meeting your goals last year! Best of luck for the new year too! You were a sock machine this year!

  2. Very impressive year on the knitting front! My goal this year will be personal goals more than knitting goals :-).

  3. Happy New Year! When you accomplish 2008 goal number three, maybe it will inspire me to give toe-up another go. No promises though.

  4. Happy New Year! My goals? To spin up at least enough fleece to be able to rationalize getting one more this sping, and to actually knit said fiber into a waistcoat for my husband. Finish up several of my UFO’s. And I definitely want to get my dad’s aran done this year. I hope you have a lovely tuck-in day today.

  5. What an accomplished and productive knitter you are! Toe-up socks and short row heels are a breeze, you’ll do them just fine. 🙂

    In 2008, I would like to tackle some colorwork–I was thinking of doing the Bird in the Hand mittens from Kate Gilbert–as well as lace and at least one adult-sized sweater. Wish me luck! Good luck to you and Happy New Year as well.

  6. You had some big goals and met them all! Fabulous! Your shortened list means you have learned so much that it’s time to HAVE FUN! That’s my knitting goal…to have fun;-)

  7. That is a fine list of knitting accomplishments. It is evident that you don’t really need goals to motivate you to produce beautiful knitwear, so I’d say that it’s okay that your goal list this year is not as long. I don’t think there’s much risk of you arriving at the end of 2008 with little knitting to show for it.

  8. That’s an impressive list of finished objects! You’ve knit more socks in a year than I’ve knit in my sock knitting lifetime (3 years or 4 years).

  9. 24 pairs of socks?! That’s, um, let me see, wait, I know this one… 2 pairs a month! I might be able to do that if I knit nothing else, but you knit a whack of other stuff, too, not to mention your spinning. And library job and taking care of your family and reenacting and all the other stuff you do.

    Color me impressed. Well done, you!

  10. Damn girl! My only goal – learn to spin. Not well – but just learn and be comfortable with the technique and my wheel, and my hands.

  11. Have you seen “Simple Socks, Plain & Fancy” by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts? She shows you how to knit short rowed socks, both cuff-down and toe-up. I use her method to turn heels on all the socks I knit with hand-painted yarns. I’ve tried other methods of turning short rows, and I really like hers the best. I’ve been playing with the new Cat Bordhi book, but I’m having a little trouble getting her heels to fit my wide feet and high insteps. Your stats for 2007 are impressive—my goal for 2008 is just to photograph all my completed projects and keep track of what I make. I knit all the time, but it doesn’t seem that I have that much to show for it. I’m just not organized enough by nature to keep track, I guess. Happy New Year, Carole.

  12. Hmm…impressive. 18 pair without trying? My goal is to knit:

    1. 10 pair of socks
    2. knit ME a sweater
    3. be more of a selfish knitter. 🙂
    4. spend more time with knitting friends!

    Happy New Year to you and Dale and the kids.
    🙂 kate

  13. Is it allowable to have ‘not-to- knit’ goals?
    I would like to stay away from knitting sweaters and socks in 08. I’ve never been happy with fit when it comes to hand-knit sweaters (at least the ones I’ve knit). And no one in my family (myself included) likes wearing hand knit socks.
    On the other hand things I would like to knit in 08:
    1.Something beaded: maybe an Odessa hat
    2. Something using the Tvaandsstickning technique: maybe Minnesota Mittens from Folk Mittens or Meg Swanson’s Two-End Cap in the book Homespun Handknits
    3. Something using the Bohus colorwork technique: probably the Bohus Style hat in the book Hats On.
    4. A rectangular lace-weight shawl that will make my teen-aged daughter’s heart melt.
    5. A cottage tea cozy with silk ribbon embroidery flowers on it for my mother’s neighbor who deserves one (and wants one) ten times over.

  14. wow – that’s alot of socks!
    Your goals still look impressive to me – but did you add in spinning??? (grin) NaSpiMoMo unite!

  15. Well done, Carole! Let me know when I can start sending you toe-up short row patterns. 😀

    My knitting goals are less socks, less frogging, maybe a cardi.

    Happy New Year!

  16. I think you’ve got what they call “mad skillz,” friend. That’s the technical term.

    My goal for 2008? Get the damn divorce, already. Yep, that’s my knitting goal, my spinning goal, my weight loss goal, my reading goal, my exercise goal. . .

  17. You knit 2 dozen pair of socks? 48 socks? Really?
    OMG. I am soooooooo in awe.
    Your goals sound like a challenge, but not to much of one for you!

  18. I’ve enjoyed watching you meet your knitting goals over the past year :o) Good luck meeting your new goals in the coming year!!

  19. Wow! That is quite the list. My goals have gotten smaller too. I think it’s just getting to a certain comfort level. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it anyway. 😉

  20. Dude!! TRY THE TURKISH CAST ON!! Otherwise, great goals 🙂 (especially using selbuttlover again, LOL!)

  21. Congratulations on the knitting goals! I JUST co for my first pair of toe-ups and am about ready to bo my first sock – I LOVE IT!! You have to try Judy’s magic co – it’s so easy. Look for it on Knitty.

  22. Happy New Year! It’s so fun to see your goals and realize that I didn’t set any knitting goals this year. I’m going to need to think on that.

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