Several of you expressed interest in the mini chicken pot pies I made for our…
Recipe Box Redux
I posted about finding my mother’s recipe box back in 2006 for “R” of the ABC Along. But I’m not adverse to showing it again in the interest of entering a contest over at Mason Dixon Knitting.
It’s not the prettiest box in the world but it’s got a certain vintage appeal about it.
The recipes, of course, are the important part. When I originally posted about my mother’s recipe box I know I mentioned the Sour Cream Coffee Cake but I never actually shared the recipe. Until now, anyway.
Sour Cream Coffee Cake
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, vanilla and sour cream to butter and sugar then add sifted dry ingredients.
Prepare nut topping as follows:
1/2 cup chopped nuts
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup sugar
Pour 1/2 batter into greased tube pan and sprinkle 1/2 nut mixture on top. Add remaining batter and top with remaining nut mixture. Bake at 350º for 45 minutes.
This truly is the most moist, most delicious, most wonderful coffee cake I’ve ever had. I hope you all enjoy it, too.
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It does sound yummy and I love the pretty recipe box, too.
I like old recipe boxes :^) the cake sounds wonderful, thank you so much for sharing!
That sounds good…
YUM!! Thanks for sharing!
Sounds perfect for this weekend – which is fast approaching! Thanks (but I was secretly hoping for those martinis again!!)
I have a copy of my mother’s coffee cake that is almost exactly the same as yours. It’s one of the best coffee cakes I have ever had too. Yum!
Looks like a yummy recipe. I wonder if I have enough sour cream…
Sounds like a great recipe!
I have a small collection of recipes that my grandmother wroted out by hand for me as a wedding gift. The little book that contains them is all beat up but it’s the best gift I’ve ever gottent.
Ohhhh, when I go to a great coffee shop and sour cream coffee cake is on offer, that is what I ALWAYS choose.
I make a very similar coffee cake, but with a chocolate chip filling. We always have it to break the fast on Yom Kippur.
I was just at Knitspot Anne’s site and mentioned how I cherish my grandmothers old handwritten recipes and see your Mom’s here. They are so special, aren’t they?
That coffee cake sure sounds good!
Yummy!! Thanks so much for sharing. I love coffee cake.
And thanks also for yesterday’s info on the ABC Along and the January spinning – I’ve joined both :)!
Yummy recipe! Your recipe box looks better than mine! 🙂
Happy New Year, Carol. I, too have my moms and love it. I have to say something to you. Of all the blogs I read and make comments on and they are nice comments, you are the only one who consistently answers each one. And I appreciate that. I see that no matter how many you receive you answer and I think thats wonderful. Keep up the interesting blog and thanks for making my day. sandy
Nice. Your recipe box is way cuter than mine. Thanks for sharing it.
That’s my favorite kind of cake. I have a recipe that’s very similar.
Yum! You always post the most decadent recipes, I can’t wait to try this one.
That cake sounds delicious! I love the vintage appeal of the box too.
Oh that cake sounds GREAT! I love it when you share your recipes Carole. I have some of your posts “saved” because I like the recipes you showed! (like your Artichoke French!) I’m definitely making this one in the next few days before I start my diet. heh
It’s a nice recipe box! You see mine 😉 Guess I should post mine since there’s a contest and all! Yummy recipe! I just happened to have purchased some sour cream yesterday too!
I’m always on the prowl for good poundcake recipes. Thanks so much for sharing this.
Your’s is the second blog I’ve read today which shared an old family recipe. This is the time of year when I always vow to cut out sweets, but everyone’s sharing such good ‘sweet’ recipes! 😉
Sounds yummy! Yes, I’m hungry again. How can you tell? ;^)
How crazy! I have this recipe too but mine is a bit different. Mine cheats by using a box of Duncan Heins cake mix and vanilla pudding…..YUM!
Are you testing my willpower already?
Yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe, and I love the box.
The box is great and that recipe sounds like a must try, thanks for sharing it.
My mom had her recipes in an accountants leger- the long skinny type. Many were handwritten including our family birthday cake recipe. Thanks for the recipe which I’ll file away. Just joined “less W8 in ’08.
The coffee cake recipe looks delicious. I love coffee cake. I don’t have a tube pan, other than an OLD square angel food cake pan that had been my grandma’s. You mean like a bundt pan? I have kinda been wanting one of those. . . hehehe
My recipe box is an old red tartan plaid lunch box, and many of the recipes look just like yours. In fact, I seriously need to copy many of them before they disintigrate! Hey! I have that same sour cream coffee cake recipe, I think!
I have the identical recipe for sour cream coffee cake. I have no idea where I got it, but mine is called “Ellen’s Cinnamon Delight.”
I had that exact recipe box growing up, no kidding, but it wasn’t filled with Grandmas recipes. i hear she wasn’t the best at Home Economics anyway 😀
family treasures such as these are so very special 🙂