I didn't mean to be AWOL yesterday, it was just one of those things, you…
A 4 day trip is such a whirlwind that it seemed like we said goodbye almost immediately after we said hello. Nevertheless, we managed to cram in a lot of fun, a lot of visiting and even some sightseeing. I’ll give you the highlights here and if you want to see all the pictures I took be sure to visit my flickr page.
On Sunday we went to a nature preserve near Brant and Heather’s house. It was pretty chilly but I shot some great bird photos and also this picture of Ambrynn. It’s my favorite of all the pictures I took.
Monday was warm and sunny and we headed to Venice Beach. We spent the afternoon playing on the beach.
Walking on the beach.
And watching the pelicans.
When we got hungry we headed to Sharky’s for dinner. I tell you something I really like about this restaurant. When you can’t decide which frozen concoction you want to try they bring you a sample of all five of them. Great idea!
We only had a limited of time on Tuesday but we managed to squeeze in a visit to a yarn shop in Punta Gorda. It happened to be very close to one of Ambrynn’s favorite playgrounds so we went there and watched her play for a while.
All too soon it was time to head to the airport and come home. We’ve got great memories, though, and it’s nice to be able to have actually seen where the kids are living, you know? I’d be lying if I said we weren’t still concerned about them but we’re parents so we’re always going to be concerned.
Bottom line? I’m already plotting and planning for our next trip.
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Sounds like a perfect trip.
Ambryn is a little beauty.
that’s a beautiful photo of ambryn. i’m thinking you need to have an 8×10 printed and framed. nothing good at the yarn shop?
Were you amazed at how much Ambryn had changed and grown. My she’s a doll!! Look at all the blue sky….sigh.
That is a beautiful shot of Ambyrnn! And guess what? This is near where my in-laws live 6 months of the year. Whenever we visit, we go to the beach/pier at Sharky’s (among others). I haven’t been to the Punta Gorda yarn shop, though.
Wow, it looks like the weather was great. You can swim down there even in January?? I had no idea.
Ambrynn is so cute! I bet she was thrilled to see you and Dale. It sounds like you managed to squeeze in plenty of fun. Another trip sounds great. I hope you can go soon while it’s still freezing here.
What a total doll. Looks like she saved up her smiles for you guys. I’g have to just keep trying to make up my mind on those frozen drinks….um, still can’t decide! Where in Fl. were you? We’ll be in Punta Gorda for a night in late March and I’ll need that yarn shop.
She’s so adorable, are you sure you couldn’t find a reason to stay a little longer…I don’t blame you for planning your next trip! My MIL is in Cape Coral, there’s a cute little knitting shop on Sanibel if you need a fix next time you are there!
Looks like you had a nice visit with the kids. Glad you got to go see where they are. Kind of gives a better feeling.
Hmmm… a yarn shop in Punta Gorda? My dad has a house in Pt. Charlotte that we keep saying we want to go stay at. Good to know there is a yarn shop not too far away!
Welcome back!
Sounds pretty wonderful. Welcome home.
Hey that’s where my sister lives! One town over in Englewood. She lives a wee walk over the bridge from Manasota Beach. Did you dig for sharks teeth? A very addictive past-time. So you went to Myakka River State Park? Did you do the boat ride?
ack she’s soooo cute!!!!
Florida is so pretty in January. *sigh* Your GD is adorable! 🙂
Is Ambrynn really that big!? Such a cutie. Ah, barefeet and sand. Can’t wait. And I love winter.
What a babe that Ambrynn is. And she knows a camera when she sees one.
Pelicans are very odd-looking birds.
That location and climate look incredible, especially for those of us in the deep-freeze in the Midwest! And your little Ambryn is truly adorable.
Carol that first photo is THE BOMB! She’s so so perfect. I’m glad you guys had a great time. I know you miss them alot.
What a dollbaby! And what a dream vacation…the weather appears positively perfect!
Beautiful photos! I know you had a wonderful time. Make next trip you can stay longer.
Those pictures of Ambrynn are precious. She’s a beauty.
….Ambrynn has got to be the cutest little girl ever…she is such a Beauty! happy little face and big smile! I’m glad you had such a wonderful time… so… do you keep a packed bag in the front closet just in case? You know, that ‘go at the drop of the hat’? :^)
Cutie pie 🙂
Sounds like you had a great trip!
I’m being selfish, but I hope you are not going to start posting your pictures from Flickr all the time since I can’t see them at work (Flickr is blocked here).
oh … sun. sand. sun. sand.
dying of jealousy over here.
Sounds like a lovely trip!
Beautiful pictures! It must have been nice for you to visit the kids in the warm sun 🙂
Waaaah! I want to be there!
v cute granddaughter (but of course, you already knew that) and I totally agree with you, getting a sample of all the frozen drinks is the best idea ever! ;o)
What a great time of year to visit. Being with family is my favorite thing to do, being in Florida with family is even better….
She’s so gorgeous! Are you sure you aren’t planning a move?
I can not believe how much she’s grown! Too fast, too fast…She’s such a doll baby!
I’m so glad you got to go and see where they are and had a good time!
That first photo is great! She looks like she’s giving something some serious consideration 🙂 She’s gorgeous.
What a beautiful child. Looks like a great time!!
Those photos look bright and sunny on a cold winter’s afternoon. I am surprised you came back. I am sure if Mason had been with you there would have been a good chance of you not coming back.
Yes, those quickie trips go by in the blink of an eye. It sounds like you squeezed a lot into those four days though, and you got to reconnect with your little sweetheart too. So, how soon will the next trip be?
I’m so glad y’all have a wonderful time. Now you need to get back there soon before that beautiful baby gets too much bigger.
What wonderful pictures – your grandbaby is gorgeous! Hope you get there again soon – I am enjoying the vicarious beach time!
So adorable. I can’t blame you for already planning a follow-up visit. How could you not? Maybe next time you can try to stay a bit longer.
Good Lord, is that Ambrynn not the most beautiful child!!!!!
Oh my goodness, Ambrynn is just one of the most beautiful little girls I have ever seen. A stunner that little one is and is OBVIOUSLY going to grow up to be….lock the doors there Oy VEY!!! Also, such pretty pictures of the beach, just lovely.
what a lovely long weekend you had – Ambryn will remember these visits forever (my girls do from their visits with grandparents) Looks like it was wonderful
what a cutie! So glad you got some time with the fam, albeit so short.
It sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Ambrynn is such a cutie!
Poinsettias are shrubs in CA, too. We used to live in San Diego & had one that was about 6 feet tall. 🙂
Oh my, she is a gorgeous grandbaby! It sounds like it was a good visit…the first of many, I’m sure.
I can see why – your grand daughter is adorable and it looks so warm there 🙂
Looks as though you had a wonderful time.
Beautiful photos! So glad you had such a nice visit.
Ambrynn is so adorable! I’m glad you guys had a good trip checking up on the kiddos. 🙂
That face! And the photo is stunning. What’s your camera?
did you take that photo with your telephoto lens? You’re right, it’s stunning. Just beautiful. I love portraits.