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April Vacation Overview

Hello! We’re back from our getaway to . . . Niagara Falls and Upstate New York! It was a great week and a fun road trip and we saw lots of new things. Today I’ll share a few highlight photos and I’ll have more in depth thoughts in future posts.

Niagara Falls is impressive. I’ve always wanted to see it and I’m glad we went there. This is the view of the Horseshoe Falls from our hotel room.

Visiting Seneca Falls was the original reason for this trip. I’ve wanted to go there since I first studied women’s history while at Wheaton and it felt like fulfilling a long held promise to myself to finally be in this space. I had no idea there was a Seneca Knitting Mills and of course I had to take a photo of it for you.

Wine. So much wine! We really enjoyed visiting a few wineries in the Seneca Falls and Watkins Glen area.

Our final destination was the Harbor Hotel in Watkins Glen. It was, by far, the most luxurious place we stayed and we really enjoyed our time there. So much so that I hope we will be able to go back one day.

It’s good to go away. And it’s also really good to come home.

Comments (11)

  1. It looks like a wonderful vacation and your wine cellar is probably fully stocked now! Welcome back and I hope reentry is smooth.

  2. Welcome home!! I do hope this week is a gentle one for you. Your trip sounds just so nice and I’m looking forward to hearing ore about it.

  3. How lovely! When I was growing up I spent a week every summer camping at Seneca Lake with family and friends. Your post makes me a bit homesick for that part of the country!

  4. We saw Niagara Falls several years ago from the Canadian side. It was definitely more impressive than I imagined. We were at a conference and had the pleasure of dining at night with a view of the lit falls. It was lovely. The wines from that region are truly delicious. Glad you enjoyed your trip.

  5. What a view! Sounds like it was an educational and enjoyable trip. My daughter is currently working on a history research paper, and her topic is the 19th Amendment, so she’s been researching the Seneca Falls Convention. I don’t think she came across the knitting mill in her research, though!

  6. Welcome back! I’ve never been to Niagara Falls (or upstate NY) … looking forward to more of your posts to experience it vicariously 🙂

  7. Welcome home! What a beautiful shot. I saw it at 12…I think it’s time to go back!

  8. It sounds like a lovely trip, Carole! I’m so glad you guys had a chance to get away and visit new spaces and places. XO

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