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Two-fer Tuesday

As promised, I’m back today with two pictures of Dale from our Maine vacation.

First up: Dale at the brewery.

He’s got his flight of beer there and they serve them on these neat little paddles that snug up the glasses when you pick it up and release them when you set it down. No spilling beer at Marshall Wharf!

Next up, on his birthday.

Birthday lobsters for the birthday boy! We got 4 big ‘uns and each ate one that night and then cracked the others and saved the meat for lobster rolls later in the week. There’s no lobster like a Maine lobster and I’ll fight anyone who says differently.

And that’s all for Tuesday, friends.

Comments (10)

  1. I don’t know how much work this is for you, but what fun for us to see Maine through your lens.

  2. Dale always looks like he’s having a great time! Thanks for sharing little glimpses of one vacation . . . while you’re on ANOTHER vacation! XO

  3. I am so glad that there was some sunshine for Dale’s birthday… and beer, and LOBSTERS! YUM!

  4. Yay for July, a camping week, and TWO Two-fer posts with Maine photos (love seeing beer and lobster!). I hope you have drier weather this week (I’m sure Huck can stand the rain, but Jessica’s family in the tents – yikes!)

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