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Baby Knits

I spent some time last week knitting up a couple of baby gifts. I don’t think the recipient reads this blog but, just in case, I’m not going to tell you who they are for. I will, however, show them to you. They’re just too adorable!

First up, socks:


The yarn is Socks That Rock lightweight, colorway Titania from the 2007 Rockin’ Sock Club. The pattern is Baby Cable Rib from Charlene Schurch’s Sensational Knitted Socks. I cast on 32 stitches on size 1 needles and they make a very nice baby sized sock.

Second up, a hat:


I just adore this little hat and it was as simple as can be. I cast on 80 stitches and just knit around and around and around until it was 3 inches. Then I decreased evenly and called it a day. I think it took less than 2 hours to knit. Talk about instant gratification!

I hope the mom-to-be is as happy with them as I am.

Comments (38)

  1. Those little socks are so cute. I have some nice sock yarn that I’ll never make socks from, maybe i should use it for baby hats too.

  2. Those little socks are just TOO cute. I’ve always been a sucker for those. The STR is a nice colorway. (Note to self: Check which colors I have, and MAKE something.)

  3. Oh super cute!! I soooo want to be a sock knitter! Did you take a class or are you self taught? I’ve only ever knittied dishrags! Is there any hope for me? :o)

  4. That is such a cool idea…a cute pair of socks and hat…and a very happy recipient cause you know they are going to love them. I really like the idea – simply because there is always someone having a little one – but sometimes there isn’t a lot of time to get things done…

  5. Precious! Isn’t it fun to make such small things – instant gratification PLUS they’re adorable and useful too. So perfect.

    Love your Noro scarf too – doesn’t it seem like it takes ten times as long to make a scarf than a sweater sometimes? heh I’ve been trying to get a collection of scarfs the whole family can use but for some reason I’m the only one wearing them? Hmm. Good thing I like them all. 🙂

  6. Baby knits are always too cute! (PS have you seen the YouTube “Medieval Helpdesk”? Any library worker will get a kick!)

  7. Those are the most adorable wee things ever!

    It’s amazing that the knits are that small and someone is going to fit into them soon. I’ve had a kid, and I’m still amazed at that.

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