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Aspen Grove Shawl: In Progress

Back in the days when I did counted cross stitch I would wake up early in the morning and immediately think about cross stitching. Often I would be so excited about stitching that I would hop out of bed, grab a cup of coffee, and curl up on the couch with my current project. It was my quiet time before the routine of the day kicked in.

I’m finding myself feeling the same way now and it’s the Aspen Grove Shawl project that’s making me feel this way. I started last week and thanks to Margene I mostly didn’t have any trouble. I got stuck on row 5 (pathetic, yes?) but it was because I failed to follow Margene’s advice and check the errata. Then I got stuck on row 30 for over an hour – again because I failed to check the errata. By the time I got to the error on row 79 I was ready. Slow learner’s school? Me?


Miriam’s pattern is wonderful as always. The few errors in the pattern were from the very early releases of the kit and all is fixed now. The design is brilliant – 4 wedge shapes that make up a half circle shawl – and it’s a different shape than I’ve knit before.


I’m on chart 2 now and feel like I’m cruising along. There are rest rows on the backside of this chart and that certainly helps to make things go faster.

Not that it’s a race. Right, Margene?

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Very nice color and progress! I remember Diamond Fantasy Shawl rows 25 and 26 that I ripped and redid umteen times- but that was due to my own errata lol!.

  2. You grrls won’t be able to go to the same party at the same time with matching shawls! Same colorway, same shawl. (or am I too fuzzy-headed this morning?) 🙂

  3. It’s beautiful Carole! You have definitely given a good reminder about the errata; should be like second nature to check. I can definitely understand why you would be jumping out of bed to knit on this shawl – hopefully you will both finish at the same time!

  4. Very beautiful shawl. And, you know once you finish it – if you don’t have anywhere to wear it I’d gladly take it off your hands… 🙂

  5. I thought I was the only one who woke up thinking about knitting! 😀 Now I’m realizing, I bet a lot of us do…

  6. Love the shawl! You reminded me that I have the kit from Anne’s shop sitting in my closet. I think I have way to many things waiting to be worked on…

  7. I used to do counted cross stitch too, and really need to finish the project that’s been in my attic for probably 10 years!

    Lovely shawl. This might be the summer of lace!

  8. You’re awake enough to do counted cross stitch and/or knit lace first thing in the morning?!

    I am in awe. I can’t even knit socks first thing.

    I think it’s wonder you and Margene are working on the same pattern/kit at the same time. It’s your own little along.

  9. Race?! Did we learn nothing from the Moth? 😉

    I wonder what it is about this pattern that’s so gripping–you and Margene both seem to be completely smitten with it!

  10. Don’t you love it when a project calls to you? The colorway is so bright and cheery. Even though right now it’s a “blob”, I can tell it’s going to be stunning.

  11. It looks great! And I was really happy to get to the resting row parts too. And the feather and fan at the end will be a BREEZE!

  12. That’s georgeous! (now my friends call me a competetive knitter… but they don’t know the world of blogging knitters who race to make shawls!).

  13. I used to do counted cross-stitch too, and needlepoint. In fact, I first met Margene when I took a needlepoint class from her, many years ago.

    Much in common we have.

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