Hello, friends! I'm joining with Kat today to talk about my knitting and reading. My…
Zombie Socks
The first pattern for Sock Madness 2 has been released so I can now show you . . . Zombie Socks!
They were designed by Sheryl Ball and she says that the drop stitch pattern reminds her of a dark and misty night where there just might be zombies lurking about. She also suggests listening to “Thriller” or watching a “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” marathon while knitting them.
Aren’t they awesome? The pattern was very well written and lots of fun to knit. Entertaining as hell, too. I’ll let you know if Sheryl makes it available when Sock Madness is done.
The yarn is Opal Hand Painted Color #18 that I’ve had in my stash for ages. I think it’s perfect for Zombies.
Don’t look now but I think I see one coming! mwahahahahaha
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That is a great pattern. I’ve enjoyed seeing it pop up finished all over Blogland. Great yarn, too.
That yarn is the perfect choice for your Zombie Socks! Just like a dark foggy night! Shiver!
Those socks are awesome! Very flashy and eye catching.
Perfect yarn. But now I’m just a little bit scared of zombies I may run into today!
Those are very cute socks.
Aw, cool!
Oohh… I L.O.V.E this pattern!
Cool! I hope she does release the pattern!
They turned out great!
Very interesting the way the drop stitches create ripples and waves in the rib.
So pretty! Great yarn choice, too!
Love that patterning.
Those socks are awesome! The pairing of pattern and yarn is perfect.
Oh, cool!
Beautiful! Makes me kind of sad that I’m not participating this year (of course at the rate I’m knitting these days, I wouldn’t have been in the competition long).
Love those socks. Very cool and not as drippy and gooey as most zombies. Always a plus. 🙂
Wonderful pairing of yarn to pattern! I noticed you didn’t say how long it took you to knit them, though. 😉
very cool socks! How would you rate them in difficulty?
They look great!
Very nice! I have a somewhat similar stitch pattern, and now I’m itching to make socks with it.
they look like my leaning tower of pisa socks! except with more creepiness.
Very nice. Great fit of pattern and yarn.
Wow! Complete sock love! Niiiiiice pattern – you’re such a good pattern pusher Carole. hehe *smoooch* I’ve missed you. I hope you’re all happy and well and feeling like spring is just around the corner. 🙂
Your Zombie socks came out great! I really liked this pattern a lot too. Dropping stitches feels very freeing when done on purpose.
Oh, bummer, I forgot about signing up for Sock Madness! The first pattern is great. I agree that the yarn you chose is perfect for zombie socks!
They look very cool!
braaaaaiiinnns brrraaaaaaaaiiiinns
Very very nice, and I think Emily got it right. Braaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiins indeed!
Those are great looking socks and the yarn choice really makes them.
You chose the perfect colorway for those socks. Yours turned out extremely nice. I’m excited to see what pattern is up next!
Wow, an interesting pattern… how do you think they will wear? Will the drop stitches be weak points? I was laying out a batch of handknit socks to dry and thinking about which sock yarns hold up the best… these photos has me thinking about pattern choice too… hmmm.
Gotta love the Zombies! They look great.
oooohh zombies 🙂
so cool.