Spinning Saturday


These are the chairs on my deck. They are quite obviously empty in this photo. However, last Saturday they were full of spinners and knitters as I had a small gathering at my house. I was thrilled to have Cheryl, Judy, Kathy, Manise, Martha, Maryse, and Sharon over for a terrific afternoon and evening.

The weather was wonderful. Warm and sunny with just a hint of a breeze. The lunch was terrific. We had macaroni and cheese, homemade salads and sandwiches along with brownies, fruit tarts and strawberries for dessert. Some wine and beer was consumed, too. Oh, and fresh brewed iced tea. The spinning was prolific. Merino and BFL and silk fibers were furiously spun into yarn. The conversation was stimulating. We covered politics, recipes, ravelry, husbands, gardening – you name it, we talked about it.

At the end of the afternoon we took a walk down back to the river. It was really great to go on this walk with everyone. I got to show them the flag pole that nearly killed Dale and the campsite we have in the woods. Its a terrific spot and I’m so lucky to have it right in my backyard and even luckier to have shared it with my friends.

It was a perfect day and I wish we could do it every Saturday. Sigh.

Comments (33)

  1. What a great idea! And it looks like you have a perfect spot for a part. Dale, I assume, is healing well?

  2. It sounds like it was a wonderful day! Give me a shout next time…I would love to see everyone 🙂

  3. Hmmm – I must have overlooked my invitation, what with all the junk mail and spam I get every day. It sounds like I missed a perfectly wonderful time!

  4. It sounds like you girls had so much fun.

    One of the things that most attracts me to this craft is the sense of community we share.

    Glad you had a great day.

  5. That’s great that it’s warm enough for you all to have enjoyed a fun time outside. (By the way, do you have much problem with pollen up there?)

  6. That sounds like a perfect Saturday to me! I love this time of year where it’s not too hot yet and spinning on the back deck in the sun is just heavenly.

  7. How lovely! Stories like this make me want to move back to civilization so I can meet regularly with other knitters. 😀

  8. Sigh…too much fun! I was thinking of doing something like that on my patio this spring, however we wouldn’t have a wonderful place to walk afterwards.

  9. WOW What a fun day. If I lived nearby I would invite myself even though I don’t spin. Your back yard and deck look very inviting. Enjoy it. sandy

  10. What a fabulous special way to spend time with fiber friends. There were spinners at my LYS last Saturday when I was there knitting and wow – it’s just awesome. Spinners add whole new “Twist” to the meet-up. heh

  11. Very cool! Maybe someday I’ll get my act together (read, get the house cleaned up enough that the authorities won’t be alarmed!) and have a gang over… I’m so glad you had such an enjoyable day, and I wish you many more.

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