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Pie Candy Friday


Two posts in one day! I couldn’t resist showing you the mince pie I made this morning. Dale says it’s a work of art and should be on the cover of a magazine. But I think we’ll eat it instead.

This weekend is our 4th annual Frank Harlow Day – the living history that we put on here in our town. Keep your fingers crossed for blue skies for us. And I promise to save you a slice of pie!

Comments (31)

  1. OMgosh – you are an artist indeed.
    I’m on my way to eat pie with you (**grins**) at least in my heart I am. I’m so glad that you took photos.
    And I agree with Dale, you should send that photo to a food magazine.

  2. Totally agree with Dale. Hmm, now pie for a mid-morning snack is all of the sudden neccessary 🙂 Have a great weekend and here’s hoping it’s sun shiny the whole time 🙂

  3. I agree with Dale. The pie is gorgeous! Do they have ‘most beautiful pie’ contests on the WWW? It looks like a perfect patriotic pie.

  4. Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery? My next pies will certainly have stars. Gorgeous!! Thinking Californiaesque blue skies for you!

  5. OMG OMG OMG That looks SOOOOO good!!! Oops, I was thinking it was blueberry, it’d help if I read all the words in the post before commenting, eh? Love how stamping out the stars for the top changes an ordinary (but I’m sure still attractive and equally delicious) pie into that work of art. Will have to try this!

  6. Oh Dale is Right! I’m all about stars even if I’m not all about mince. lol Let’s pretend it was blackberry, hm? Have a lovely weekend for your FH Day and may you be blessed with blue skies and gentle breezes! 🙂

  7. Found you! Gorgeous pie – way too pretty to eat, but I hope you ate it anyway, and enjoyed it. I read your 100 things, of course – I, too, hate milk, flunked ballet when I was 6, and majored in English in college. Sisters!

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