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Lavender Mint Socks

Thank you all so much for the warm and kind anniversary wishes. Dale and I are all verklempt, I tell you! You all really know how to make a couple feel special.

Okay, don’t fall over or anything, but I actually have knitting to show you today.


You see, once I had that Heads Up yarn wound into a cake it started screaming really loudly, “knit me! knit me!” That yelling was just the inspiration I needed to finish the Lavender Mint socks.


Like the Heads Up, this is also Scout’s yarn and the colors of lavender, green and white are so spring like!


They are my standard picot edge stockinette sock. I honestly never get tired of knitting this plain ole sock. How could I? They fit perfectly and they are simply beautiful.


When Julie heard I was knitting socks in this colorway she sent me some of her Lavender Mint Tea and I drank many glasses of iced tea made from Julie’s special blend while I knit these socks. It was a perfect combination!


Kudos to Scout for the yarn. Kudos to Julie for the refreshment. Kudos to a new pair of socks for the sock drawer.

Comments (33)

  1. Your socks are beautiful! I like “plain ole socks” as well. And a belated happy anniversary to you and Dale!

  2. Beautiful socks! Love the colors, especially…and that pattern? It’s my favorite, too! I have a pair OTN right now, trying to finish before Summer of Socks 08!

  3. So pretty! And I really like the stripe across the instep. No, really — I know this is supposed to be a drawback of self-striping/multicolored sock yarn, but I think it looks cool.

  4. Where was I yesterday??? Happy Anniversary!! I love revisiting B&Bs — there’s one in Seaview, WA, with my name on the door. ; ) Glad you had a great time.

    LOVE those SOCKS!!

  5. Ooh, how cool would it be to tuck a lavender sachet into the cuff of one of these socks? Then lavender scent would waft up to you…a total lavender experience. Yum!

  6. Ooh, how cool would it be to tuck a lavender sachet into the cuff of one of these socks when they are in the drawer. Then lavender scent would waft up to you…a total lavender experience. Yum!

  7. Very Nice Socks, Carole! Toe up or top down? I’d like to do a picot edge on the toe up socks I just started. I think I’ve seen a technique for a picot bindoff…

  8. Lovely! Someday – when you have time, can you point me in the direction of the instructions for you lovley picot edge?? Pretty please??

  9. lovely socks – Scout’s colors are so pretty.
    they’re top down right? do they tend to slouch a bit when wearing?? (since there’s no ribbing) they just are soooo purdy! And with that lovely yarn, it’d be very entertaining to knit.

  10. The socks are just beautiful! But, of course, I’m going to love them – they are lavender!

    Congrats on your anniversary – Sounds like you both had a wonderful time…and the place you stayed was very pretty…Many more wonderful years together!!!

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  12. ACK! I totally missed the anniversary post! Happy belated anniversary Carole and Dale – here’s to another 100 happy years together 🙂

    Love the socks 🙂

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