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Daffodil Socks

This just in: Mama-E has dyed up 15 skeins of this colorway due to demand. Get ’em while they last!

This year’s daffodils have come and gone but their memory lives on in my Daffodil Socks.


This yarn, you may recall, was inspired by one of my Eye Candy Friday photos and dyed by the oh-so-talented Mama-E. I actually had the chance to show these socks to her when I was at Maryland Sheep & Wool and I’m really disappointed that I didn’t think to take a photo of her with them.


Nor did I take photos of them anywhere else but I have to say – these socks got around! Not only were they airport and airplane knitting but they were car knitting and town meeting knitting and sheep & wool festival knitting.


At New Hampshire Sheep & Wool they were even instructive knitting as Kathy knit her first successful rows of magic loop with these babies.


The yarn is soft and lovely to work with and the contrasting heels and toes are terrific.


It’s too warm now for wool socks but these will be a sweet reminder of my daffodils when autumn rolls around again.

Comments (42)

  1. Yeah, at one of the booths there were a bunch of her yarns and I was fondling one pretty heavily. I looked at the woman next to me and said, “Ohhh, this is nice. What great work she does.” The woman smiled and said, “Yeah, she does.”

    Three guesses who it was. (Yep. Mama, herself. Why oh why don’t I read every knitting blog so I stop embarrassing myself? lol!)

    Have a great day today!

  2. oh so pretty! definitely daffodilish 🙂
    i am working on some green and yellow socks, and those colors just sing together, i must say!

  3. You did a great job!!! I really love them.Thin k I may have to do a limited run of that colorway to celebrate spring!
    It was great to see you again. Bring them to Rhinebeck and we can do a picture.

  4. They are adorable. You could display them artfully in a vase during the summer months so you could keep lookin’ at them!

  5. I love the toes! What a great pair to wear in January to remind you that spring will be around eventually.

  6. Great socks – now both your heart and your feet can dance with the daffodils (cf Wadsworth, “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud”)!

  7. I especially like the heels and toes — balances the pattern beautifully. How many pairs have you knit this year?

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